trashy fluffy stuff

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A/N: I am going to give short fluff for each of them because fluff before angst. Also, these are just things I made up when I was bored so it won't make sense I am sorry.

POV: Marlo

I was sitting on the couch watching TV when Key waddle up to me, I smiled as he put his arms up asking to be held. I picked him up and allowed him to cuddle into me grabbing onto my neck and burying his head into my shirt. I turned off the TV and laid on the couch letting my baby crawl onto me and lay on my stomach "tank chu mommy" (thank you mommy) he whispered and I just rubbed his back and hummed to him in reply. I loved this and I loved him. I cuddled my baby in my arms until I heard his soft cat-like snores and then I willed myself to go to sleep with the thought that I would save this precious boy from this world.

POV: Wren

I was back in my old room and blasting music just as I did back in high school I have no idea how I got back to my old house but it was cool. I missed the memories even though they were almost always bad they shaped me and made me stronger so I have to thank my parents. See I had a good family being my mom, and my dad, and then me. yeah, perfect family, I have both parents I am the only child so I get anything I want right? I honestly think it would have been the perfect family if I would've been a boy or something. I was taken aback when someone knocked on the door "come in" I said and my mother walked in "hey Hunny can your father and I have a word"...

A/N: I stopped here because only I could think of was sad shit.

POV: Key

I clapped my hands as Wren lifted me into the air and brought me down again "ain" (again) I asked and she smiled and lifted me in the air but this time when she brought me down she pulled me into a hug "your my sweet baby right" I nodded and poked at her face "es daddy" I was a still warming up to the idea that they wanted me to be a baby even though I was 19 but that was okay I was warming up to getting held and feed and overall babied.

POV: Mal

I chuckled at a messy Koda "come on you need a bath my prince" he shook his head and crossed his arm "nu I don's" (no I don't) I raised my eyebrow at him and he ran over to me "otay fime a bafh" (okay fine a bath) I nodded and he did grabby hands for me to pick him up then take him to the bathroom. I sat him on the counter and I ran the water making sure the temperature was right before I added bubbles. I turned off the water when it was high enough and I picked up a babbling Koda then went to undress him and put him in the bath.

POV: Koda

I have been doing some research and I have come to the answer that Key and I might be twins I mean if I were to think about it the chance that two people who happen to look a bit alike are born on the same day two minutes apart it was very slim. Now all I have to do is ask Key if he had any siblings or a twin next time I see him which will probably be in two days because my mommy says she needs a break.

A/N: I am not good at fluff okay so I am sorry the Pov's are so short but I hope you enjoyed it.  

Pain is the only thing that makes
Me feel alive.

(672 words)

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