sad story...strong person

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A/N: Contains mention of rape and slight drugs and suicide.

POV: Key

I was sitting in the kitchen playing my phone well not playing on it I was staring at a blank screen while thinking about the sound of Wren gagging on my dick and I didn't know why but it made me get queasy but not the sick queasy like the queasy you get when you jump around too much. As if on cue with my thoughts Wren pushed my phone out of my hand and sat in the chair opposite of me "let's talk" my face dropped yeah those are the exact words everyone needs to hear in the morning. Wren looked at me while I debated if I should come clean about using drugs in middle school "I know your real name and I know everything else" I looked at her and shrugged "oh that's okay Kaden is a pretty cool name so I don't mind" Wren eyed me before speaking again "tell me why you tried to kill yourself" I shrugged.
Wren keep asking and I keep shrugging trying to get out of the question but finally, she sighed "okay fine don't tell me this is boring anyway you want to hear a story" I nodded just glad I didn't have to answer the question. Wren picked me up from my spot on the floor and sat me right next to her on the couch then she began with her story.

A/N: Font intended.

Long ago there lived a little boy we will call the little boy Parker. Parker was around the age of 13 when he was walking down the street to school. See Parker knew his way to school so he thought nothing bad would happen to him if he stayed on track. Boy was he wrong though because that day when he was almost to school these girls came up to him.
They grabbed poor Parker and he screamed and kicked at the girls but no one was around to save him so the girls just threw him in their car.
These girls made money off of him they made him do things he didn't want to do disgusting and terrible things.
They made him bleed and they made him cry and they got him addicted to drugs at the age of 14.

A/N: The story is over.

Wren looked at me and I picked at my nail "let me guess Parker is you" Wren shook her head "no Parker is Marlo I was there too but I don't what to tell you everything about myself just yet" I looked up at her finally "why'd you tell me about Marlo" Wren shrugged "I was there when it happened even though we meet in college I got kidnapped right after her we just went to different places so Marlo didn't know I was there" I nodded then tilted my head "I guess this means I have to tell you why I almost killed myself huh"  Wren frowned "you don't have to I just told you something to make you feel comfortable to tell you that Marlo and I have had our fair share of pain so we won't judge you when it comes to yours" I nodded slowly decided I would tell her.

A/N: to be continued on part 25.

I'm so behind,
I thought I was first.

(581 words)

(I think I edited this but I forgot if I did)

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