are you little like me

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POV: Key

I have been in one of my manic episodes for over a week now and as a result, I fucked up the job I might have lost my friends because I have been ditching their calls ever since I told Marlo I might get fired. My doorbell rung must be the pizza I yawned as I rubbed my eyes then the doorbell rung again. “Okay I am coming hold up” I sighed as I walked to the door the doorbell turned into a heavy-handed knock someone isn't getting a tip. I open the door and was pulled into a hug. I pushed myself off the person “uh who are you” the man at my door cocked his head to look at me “you are Key Wyatt Anderson right” I cringed but nodded “yeah just call me Key and again who are you” he rolled his eyes then smiled to me “so sorry sir my name is Hugo your Mistress has sent me to check on you” I felt my face heat up when he said the Mistress part and replied to him “well tell Ma- I mean my Mistress that I am fine” I just about died when I called Marlo my Mistress, but the boy had said it first, so it was obvious that Marlo wanted me to call her that. I was about to close the door when he stopped it with his foot, “sorry sir, but my Mommy said you need to see you”. I looked at him and rolled my eyes, “what if I prefer not to see your mommy”? The boy pouted at me then he said in a more soft voice “please don't do that Mistress will punish you, and then she will tell my mommy to just come on” I smiled at his child-like voice. Oh! I get it. This is because they miss me. I didn't mess up, yet. I took his hand, and we walked to the car that was parked outside. The boy knocked on the window and someone rolled down the window and one of the girls that I Remember from my job cooed “Coda come here baby”. She opened the door then looked at me, “Key is that you, my gosh you have gotten hotter”! I looked down at my shoes, and the lady got out of the car to pick up the little boy. The lady looked at Coda “how do you know Key huh little one” he shrugged and said in a more child-like voice than the frightening voice he used before. “No-no mommy I wanna play with her” the lady looked at me “Sweetie I don't think Key wants to play”. I looked up and replied, “I would like to play May” May looked at me and smiled “oh well then let me take to your Mistress, and we can set up a play date okay”. Coda clapped his hands, “can sissy come to play with us”? May opened the back door for me then poked Coda's cheek “sissy is too little to play with you, but we can bring her now let's take Key home”. She walked to the other side and put Coda in a car seat that I hadn't noticed before.

I hope you find a way to
Be yourself someday.

(557 words)

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