my abusive parents

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A/N: Contains homophobia and transphobia and some description of sexual abuse also some religious-related trauma.

POV: Key

I am not a bad person but do you ever get that feeling of killing everyone around you because you can't take any more of their bullshit? Yeah, that was right now. I was sitting with Marlo and her dad...Forgot to say that today I was meeting her parents.


Marlo's father spits in her face "who the hell is this bitch" I felt Marlo let go of my hand as she rubbed her dad's chest to calm him "Dan this is my girlfriend please don't be rude" I looked down I wasn't intimidated by her dad I was just happy that Marlo had said I was her girlfriend without a second thought. Dan or Marlo's dad spits out again "I didn't raise no lesbian but you're mother wants to see you so come in" he went back into the house so that we could walk in.


Marlo's dad was looking at Marlo's ass and I tightened my jaw now this guy is at least 5'7 and I am a good 5'4 maybe 5'6 if I stop hunching over and if I... Marlo's rang through my ears "dad stop" Dan grabbed Marlo's body "I made you I am allowed to touch what I made" I was going to stop them but Marlo's eyes caught mine and it looked like she was trying to tell me not to do anything Marlo told her father "yes I am sorry dan" Dan slammed his glasses on the table "god fucking damn it Martha get you're ass down here"! I heard some footsteps and soon a lady who looked like an older version of Marlo was in front of me "yes dear" she said in a soft voice which Dan replied to with his harsh voice "tell you're little bitch to marry up a nice young man instead of this" he looked at me in disgust "this disgrace" I looked at him in awe the best insult his has for me is a disgrace? Come on man you could do better. Martha looked over to us then back to Dan "don't worry God will lead her to a good man" Marlo laughed and Martha eyed her "don't laugh at God he will lead you always" Marlo's laugh got a little lower as she covered her mouth and then took herself off of her father's lap when he had loosened his grip on her waist. Marlo was about to walk away and I sighed good maybe nobody will die today... Martha grabbed Marlo's arm yeah nevermind "don't walk away from God" Marlo peeled her mother's hand from her wrist "I did and I am" Martha sighed "you can't I won't allow it" Marlo was getting mad and I could tell but something in me told me not to intervene. Martha grabbed Marlo's chin as she pushed her back into the chair "you guys will stay here till sunday and we will go to church and find some nice men for both of you" Marlo broke she grabbed her mom's wrist and threw it away from her face and got of from the chair "God has never fucking been there okay" she pointed to her mother "my so called dad has been sexually abusing me since I could speak" she poked her mother in the chest "he has been beating me and selling my body" she paused trying to stop tears that threaten to come out "don't tell me about fucking God okay because I am pretty sure if he was all love and shit he would've helped me he would've showed you that I was trying but instead all I got was pregnant all I got was bullied so don't fucking tell me about your God okay" Marlo now had her mother backed into a wall "listen here I know God wouldn't want you to talk to us that way so lets just pray" Marlo rolled her eyes and Dan stepped in "listen here you bitch you will find a good man and go to church with your mother you hear" Dan grabbed pulling her into a backwards hug and whispered something to her that made her eyes widen "okay I will go to church but I fucking hate you"

A/N: All this stuff is just me venting so I am sorry. The next part may or may not be better.

Your lips taste like nicotine
and I got addicted.

(761 words)


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