add a little spark

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A/N: religious-related trauma and homophobia

POV: Key

Marlo sat next to me and she was crying I tried to rub her back but she just cried more "what's wrong" I asked, she looked at me even with her eyes red from crying and her hair was messy she was still perfect. Marlo brushed her hair out of her face and wiped her eyes "I told you that you wouldn't like my family hell I don't even like them" she chuckled lightly her crying had settled a bit and I rubbed her back this time she let me "don't worry we'll just have to stay till Sunday then you can go to church and we can leave" Marlo looked at me "I have been going to the same church ever since I could talk no one there likes me" I shrugged "I'll go with you then" Marlo looked at me with a soft smile "you believe in God" I rolled my eyes "no I have beef with the big guy but they don't know that so until Sunday I do okay" Marlo smiled and mouthed a thank you to me.

POV: Marlo

I looked at Key it was night time so of course, he was asleep but I was wide awake I couldn't help but think about how Key would believe in God for me I mean I know it was wrong to pretend to love God but I have tried to love him and he didn't love me so that was not my fault. I brushed Key's hair behind his ear and I heard him whine when I moved my hand away so I put it back on his face finding comfort in his little sleepy smile. I saw Key in a new light not just as my baby boy I mean he was still my baby boy but I also now had the urge to own him to make him mine. It was wrong I was not supposed to like him that is why I swore to myself I would never like a boy in that way ever again after my dad did what he did. Key was different I wanted to feel his lips on mine and I wanted to hear him beg for me. My mind was foggy I had no idea why I was thinking of Key this way maybe it is because of everything that is going on one thing was for certain I wanted to taste him.

I'm sick of getting my hopes up for nothing.

(426 words)

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