This is a dream

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A/N: this part contains the f slur and the t (twat) and b (bastard) slur

POV: Key

Wren led us into the party and I yelped then quickly covered my eyes but Wren just chuckled "did Mar not tell you what kind of party it was" I uncovered my eyes slowly and looked at my shoes "she said something about switches and..." my eyes widen "oh-- OH--oh...ew" Wren laughed and Marlo smiled at me then disappeared into a room that was lit only by red lights. Wren looked at me "Okay fine newbie since we didn't tell you beforehand you don't have to stay want to go get ice cream" my eyes lit up and I bounced on my toes I love ice cream "I love ice cream can I get the brown one with the marshmallows in it" Wren chuckled and I looked down "I'm sorry" I said in a sad voice and I felt my self being pulled into a hug yummy she smells like cookie cream pie "don't ever be sorry for being happy I was only laughing because I don't know what type of ice cream that is" I frowned she doesn't know what ice cream? It is the one with the marshmallows...duh this girl is dumb. I thought about it trying to remember the name "I think it is called Cookie cobblestone it is my favorite" Wren ruffled my hair "nice my favorite is Mint chip pecan" I made a gagging noise "nope I tell you it is Cookie cobblestone" Wren sighed "okay fine when we get there I will try yours and you try mine deal" I nodded and we shook hands then left to go to a nearby ice cream shop.


Marlo sat in the back seat with me "sorry we didn't hang much but you had fun with Ren right" I nodded then said excitedly "she got me ice cream then she said her favorite was nasty Mint chip pecan but no way so she had to try mine which is the bestest ice cream ever Cookie cobblestone so she tried it and--" Marlo grabbed my hand "slow down cutie take five". Wren looked back from her seat when she got us to stop light "hey little old did you say you are" she stopped after she said little one probably to see my reaction to the newfound nickname (which would be me looking down at my shoes) before continuing and I said "I never told you guys but I am 19 why" Wren looked at Marlo and smirked then said as she turned back around "look here we got a green light time to go home".

Why am I back here? I don't want to be back here. No! Not now...please? I was back in my room when I heard my dad yelling at me I didn't know for what I never know what he yelled for. "You betta do it right this time got it bitch" I nodded quickly and he threw the bottle of dish soap at me and suddenly the room changed and I was in the kitchen. I hated our kitchen the only time it got clean was when I did it and I avoided home as much as possible I sighed and took the soap then made some dishwater and started to scrub at one of the many filthy pots. I was on the last dish when the room changed again no fucking no! He is gonna get mad. I didn't do all the dishes. Fucking hell! Why don't I ever do anything right? I felt tired and drained but I bolted upright when I felt a sharp pain I opened my eyes I was outside and my school bullies hovered over me one pressed a sharp knife cutting into my skin "fucking fagot bastard" other one said as he spits on my face and I groaned as the knife went into my skin and the other guy pressed his shoes into my chest "go to hell twat" I gritted back before I blacked out when he threw a rock on my stomach.

"Key wake up Key get up" someone shook me awake, I groaned as I lifted my head and I had to check my arm and my stomach to make sure I wasn't bleeding good it was just a nightmare. I looked at the person who woke me and suddenly I was awake "oh uh hey Marlo how are you" she rolled her eyes "well you just had a panic attack and sacred me shit less but I am fine" I looked down and played with the string of my pants good I barely meet this two and I already fucked up. Dad was right I should just kill myself no one would miss me I can't do shit right. Marlo pulled me in a hug then I felt something wet on my cheek and I realized I was crying "hey don't cry cutie it is okay look at me sweetie" her voice is so mother-like... I looked at her and sniffled when she wiped my tears "I have attacks probably not like yours but I have them so I get it but listen don't be sorry because you hurt inside" Marlo hugged me tightly cool that is the most I heard her talk since we meet. No duh, we only meet like 24 hours ago.

If you don't like me, it's because
I don't want you to.

(929 words)

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