love me

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POV: Key

I was now officially moved in with Marlo and Wren, but I had one more thing to bring from my house, but I was uncertain if I could bring him. I walked up to Marlo “hey baby what's up” I smiled at her “so uh I have a service dog, and I wondered if you guys allowed pets” Marlo nodded “yeah what kind of dog is it” I smiled and sat on the couch “he is a Golden Retriever puppy only 18 months old” Marlo smiled, she let me crawl into her lap and she rubbed my hair “nice what is his name” I rubbed my eyes I was getting sleepy again “mm his name is Acid” I yawned “if I go to sleep you won't leave right” Marlo shook her head “no I won't baby I will be here now close your eyes for me” she rubbed my back softly lulling me to sleep.


POV: Marlo

Key keep rubbing up against me, so I had to grab his hips to stop him from moving. I don't think he was doing it purposely, but it was turning me on, and that was not a good thing now. Wren ran into the living “Mar-” she stopped when she saw Key was sleeping on my lap. She brought her voice to a whisper “I need to talk to you” I patted the spot next to me giving her permission to seat on the couch. Wren looked at me “I want to ask if-” she stopped again, this time for no reason, then she mumbled “I want you and Key to share me” I smirked when I heard her say that. Just to make her more embarrassed I took my free hand and placed it on Wren's chin and lifted her face to where I could see her soft green eyes looking back at me “what was that pet”? Wren turned away as a blush tinted her face, “I was uh thinking maybe Key and you can share me”? I looked at her and dropped my finger off her chin and looked at Key “sure my love I can share if that will make you happy” Wren smiled widely “thank you can, we tell Key when he wakes up”. “Tell me what” we both froze at the deep raspy voice that made Wren hide her face and to be honest, made my face a bit red. I looked down to see Key had his eyes open, and he was staring at something. Changing the subject, Wren asked, “what are you looking at”? Now it was Key turned to blush, and he looked down “your lips they look soft” he said to me. I hummed “let's see then” Key looked up “see w-” I pressed my lips onto his.


POV: Wren


was wet again, and it was embarrassing that I get turned on so easily, but who wouldn't watching both of your partners make out it was hot. I didn't want to interrupt, but I knew I needed to ask permission. So, I did because I had already been in trouble twice this week. I cleared my throat and Marlo pulled away from the kiss to look at me “yes pet” she asked, and I smiled “can I um”? Marlo nodded slighty to me then went back to looking at Key with hungry eyes “yes you have permission” I heard Key let out a moan of pleasure when Marlo bite him on his neck.

They tell you to be yourself,
Then they judge you...

(594 Words)

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