break through or breakdown

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A/N: We are back to the present, so Key is 19, Wren is 23 and Marlo is 25.

POV: Key

I woke up, and I wasn't in my bed, so I turned around and saw bars hm wondered who put these here. My eyes followed up the bars and my I felt my face heated up as I realized I was in a crib. I stood up to see if I could get out but unfortunately, it was one of those tall cribs and I couldn't get out of it, so I just sat down I should wake up Marlo she will get me out I tested my voice quietly then yelled for Marlo. Marlo walked into the room not even a minute later, and she cooed when she saw me sitting in the crib “Mo- Marlo gets me out please” I said then silently cussed at myself for almost calling her mommy again. Marlo walked over to me and picked me up, placed me on her hip “it is 4 in the morning baby you need sleep” I shook my head and crossed my arms at that, but she just bounced on her hip “how about if you sleep with Mommy and mama yeah” I could tell she was still half asleep because she didn't even notice the fact that she had referred to herself as Mommy, but it wasn't like I preferred not to call her mommy. Marlo placed me in the bed then she got in the bed next to me “where is Wren” Marlo yawned and pointed to a dog cage on the floor “don't worry I didn't lock her in she will come out in the morning” I looked at Wren who was sleeping in a big dog cage, and she looked comfortable I have slept in countless places but a dog cage no I think that would mess up my back I turned over and let myself drift off to sleep.


POV: Marlo

I woke up to the Key shaking me “mommy wake up mommy” my eyes immediately widen when I heard the word mommy and I felt my face heat up a bit “mommy our up daddy has prise” (mommy good you're up daddy has a surprise) I was still somewhat wondering what had made Key call me mommy, but I was happy, so I got out of the bed and let him drag me towards the guest room. Key bounced on his toes and pointed to the door “daddy is in ere pen it” (daddy is in there open it) I opened the door and my face pulled into a smile.

POV: Wren

Key had woken me up last night and asked me to build a fort so that is what I did it took me two hours and several boxes, but I did it I built a cardboard kingdom for my little man. I saw the knob turn and I sighed as I wiped my face with the back of my hand then the door opened and Marlo stood there “daddy” Key squealed I was taken aback by the name just yesterday he was called by my name still, but I didn't have time to think about that because Key jumped on me and I fell back onto the floor. I closed my eyes for a minute from the impact, and Key sniffled as he pushed his hand into my face “daddy I sorry wake-ups” (daddy I am sorry, wake up) I felt Key's body get lifted off me then I heard Marlo's voice “Wren that isn't nice you scared the poor boy” I opened my eyes and saw her holding a teary-eyed Key. I got up at rubbed his back “I am sorry bubs I was just kidding you didn't hurt me okay” Key looked at me and tilted his head “chu sure” I laughed at his cuteness “you didn't hurt me mon amour” he nodded “otay” he said with a small smile.

It is not selfish to do what's best
for you.

(678 words)

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