wrong kids right room...

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A/N: So to clear this up yes Marlo is 8 years old and yes Marlo is in a mental hospital. This is a continuation of part 23.

POV: Marlo

I had been admitted to the hospital for only 2 hours and so far I have been in three groups and made two of those bead pictures things. The room had a bathroom I was glad we had our bathroom but it sucked because it connected to the other room so Kids would constantly come to our side when I was trying to sleep, it had two other beds I assume I had roommates even though I haven't seen them, and other than that the room was pretty bland unless you want to count the phone number etched into the wall. I laid on the bed and to be honest it was comfortable I sighed it smells like depression and blood... oh home what irony I escaped my home by stabbing myself just to get evaluated and put in a place that reminds me of home. One of the staff knocked on the outside of the door "female staff" she said and then she walked in "where are the others" I was about to say something when I heard someone clear their throat behind the staff and she turned around and a girl a little older than me looked at the staff "I was in the toilets sorry miss" she said with a thick accent then skipped over to the bed by me. When the staff left the girl turned to me "I like your lips" I turned over to look her in the eyes hers were a mix between green and gold "uh thanks I think" she nodded "my names Lex well it is Alexis but I go by Lex I am 10" I smiled I had someone to talk to at least "I am Marlo I am 8" Lex smiled at me and swayed her feet "group time" someone from outside yelled and I sighed because I had to put back on the socks I had just taken off.
It was now visiting hours and the kids who didn't have any visitors had to wait in their rooms. Lex had visits with her mom right now so my only hope was for my other roommate to come back. To my luck a person walked in about the same age as Lex and they sat on the floor not even looking at me "hey um isn't the girls and the guys suppose to be apart" he looked at me and I quickly looked down his face looked pale and he had tiny cuts all over on his cheeks his forehead even his lips. He smiled showing his white teeth "I am ben and last time I came here I was admitted as a girl so they put me here" I nodded "so your a boy now or" ben nodded "yes but not everyone believes that" I shrugged "you seem like a boy to me so you're a boy" I could see his face tinted a light pink "mhm thank you anyway I have to go before they find me" I went to asked what he was talking about but ben must have had superspeed because he was already out the door.

I'm not really sure
What is wrong with me right now
All I know is that I am not okay.

(577 words)

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