Chapter 1 | Dragon

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After a long vacation trip to Hawaii with my besties Daniel and Reachel we finally come back home to Florida.

Don't get me wrong I had fun but I did miss my apartment.

"Ugh, I can't believe we're leaving already" Reachel groans beside me as we get on the plane.

I chuckle "Come on. We had to leave at some point"

"I agree with Reachel, it's sucks leaving Hawaii" Daniel says

I roll my eyes and take a sit on the plane. Daniel sits next to me and Reachel sits behind us.

After a while the plane starts moving. I could feel Daniel's grip tighten on my arm.

"Just let me know if you want to rip my skin off" I mumble

"sorry just afraid of heights" he says still not letting go of my arm.

I frown at him "You were the one who said we should ride a plane"

"I know that, Sarah but I'm still anxious"

"Still makes no sense"


We finally land and my arm was aching red because of Daniel.

We took a cab to my apartment. We decided that going back to my place was for the best seens Daniel and Reachel's place was farther away.

The cab drops us off at the grey building. Climbing out and taking our bags we walk inside the building. We walk up the stairs to the third floor.

"Sarah your back" Miss Shannon says as we pass her apartment.

She's my noisy neighbor, but tolerate able. She's the neighbor that comes by your apartment every morning to share a piece of gossip. Trust me it's annoying.

"Yeah, I'm back" I mumble and rush pass her before she could ask any questions about the trip.

We get to my room and I unlock the door. Reachel and Daniel follow behind me as we make our way inside. I smile to myself, happy that I'm back to my cosy apartment room. I've missed it so much.

"You guys can go ahead and put your bags in my room" I tell Daniel and Reachel. They both make they way inside my room with me following them.

They place they bag's next to my bed and i also place mine down, mentally reminding myself to pack them into my closet later. We go back downstairs and situate our selfs on the sofa.

Reachel and me sit next to each other cuddled up and a warm blanket over us while Daniel was on the opposite couch rolled up with a blanket.

"What do you guys want to watch" I ask taking the remote

"Uh, How about a horror movie" Reachel asks

I shake my head "I'm not in the mood to scream"

"How about an animation movie" Daniel says

And Reachel and I both agree. We turn on the Tv and stare at the screen for hours and hours.

The door bell rings and I stand up and fetch our pizza. Placing it on the table Daniel races for the first slice. His always been a huge fan of pizza. We continue watching the movie until we fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning by my alarm clock going off. The curtains open making the sun shine on my face.

I graon and shift away from the sun thats shining on my forehead.

"Wake up children"

I jerk up at the voice and Miss Shannon is inside my house opening the windows.

I sigh "Ugh, Miss Shannon, It's so early for this nonsense"

I could hear her chuckle and pull the blankets off me and Reachel.

"No, it's 7am. That's when everyone wakes up" she says

More like that's when you wake up.

I hate old noisy people, I really do.

Standing up I pour myself a cup of coffee.

Daniel and Reachel join me in the kitchen and I hand them a cup of coffee.

"How do you wake up to a crazy old lady in your house every day" Daniel asks rubbing his tired eyes

"I don't know honestly, I guess you get used to it" I mumble taking another sip from my coffee.

"Okay I'm leaving" Miss Shannon says, leaving

"please don't ever come back" Daniel shouts out

I punch his shoulder glaring at him. Reachal laughs whispering something to him.

"I'm going to take a shower" I tell them going upstairs to my room.

I take a shower and wear black jeans and a white hoodie.

I take my purse and make my way downstairs.

Reachel and Daniel are busy playing some board games.

"Guys I'm leaving, please don't destroy my house. And no parties"

"No promises" Reachel says winking at me

I roll my eyes and leave my apartment. Luckily I don't run into Miss Shannon and I make my way out the building.

I get inside the cab I called a while back.

After a while I reach my location. I pay the cab driver and make my way inside the building.

"OMG, Sarah your really back" My assistant Kelly says running towards me

I chuckle "Jeez Kelly I haven't even gotten inside the building"

She laughs "yeah, yeah, whatever, come on let's go to the office everyone missed you"

She pulls me inside the office where everybody is situated

"Guys she's back!" Kelly shouts

Everybody looks over at us.

"OMG, we missed you" Jim says

I spent an hour talking to everyone and just chilling in the office before my boss calls me to her office.

I make my way to her office and knock on the glass door.

It slides open and I get inside.

"Take a sit Sarah" my boss says showing me the chair

I nervously take the sit.

"So your back, and you have a lot of work to catch up on"

I nod to every word she says

"Okay so this is your new schedule get to work immediately"

I nod and take the piece of paper from her and I rush out her office. Thank God.

I sigh once I'm out of her office. Everyone looks at me I give them a thumbs up, letting them know it's all good.

Here we call Miss Trina, the dragon. Because she's bratty and well cruel. She's only nice to her close friends. When she yells at you I swear she's like a dragon fuming fire.

Thank God I wasn't her victim today.

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