Chapter 22: New Beginnings

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Three months later

Alot had changed. Alot has happened as well.

Reachel was really doing well, she was getting better. She was going back to normal as well. She wore a bright smile everyday. She accepted what happened to her and realized that sometimes shit happens and there isn't much we can do to change that. It's either you move on or drown in your own sorrow. And I had kept my promise, Nick and I visited her every weekend.

Daniel on the other hand got a job at a high school. He was now a gym teacher.

And as for Jim and Kelly they relationship was adorable. I was they number one fan. They invited everyone to they vacation home. They had been talking about it for weeks now and everyone was pressuring them to invite us over and they finally decided to. It was this evening so I had only three hours left to get dressed.

A knock came from the door as I was sitting on the chair curling my hair.

"Come on in!" I shouted

The door swung open and Adrain stood there in only boxers.

"Adrain didn't I tell you to get dressed hours ago" I scolded him.

He made his way over to me and kissed my cheek "Relax okay. I just came out of the shower and I came up to see if I had any clothes here"

Adrain and I were going strong. He came to visit me from time to time to check up on me. He would also spend nights here and I would also spend nights over at his place. Though we preferred being in my apartment seens his mother would always give him a lecture about him making a mistake with getting back together with me.

That didn't bother me though cause I knew when I decided to get back together with Adrian I would have to deal with his mother. And let me tell, she is a pain in the ass. Then there's his father. Totally sweet guy. His actually like a second father to me. He never was there for Adrian but he was now. He was trying.

"Just check in my closet" I said pushing him off me so he could go get dressed. After I was done ironing my hair, I did my makeup.

"Babe!" Adrain whined "There's only those blue jeans my dad got me and a white shirt in here"

I chuckled, I know, sweetheart I was the one who put them in there. Adrian never whore the blue jeans his father gave him, he said it was hideous and I totally disagree. It made him look chubby and cute.

"Then wear that!"

A loud groan left his lips "Ugh! You did this on purpose didn't you"

"No didn't" I lied

He sighed and got dressed. After an hour of getting ready Adrain and I rummaged through the house making sure we weren't leaving anything before we left.

Adrain grabbed his car keys and we locked the apartment door.

We knocked on Miss Shannon's door seens she has asked to ride with us to the vacation house.

She opened the door and when she saw us she grabbed her purse and locked the door before we all made our way downstairs.

We all got inside Adrian's car.

The drive was long, I was sleeping most of it.

"So I hear your daughter was coming to visit" Adrain said looking at her through the rear view mirror.

She nodded a wide grin on her face "She is. Thank God. It's been twelve years and I missed her"

"What happened with her?" I asked joining in on the conversation

"She married a engineer, and well with an engineer as a husband it required them to travel from place to place. And for this weekend they decided to visit me"

"How long will they be staying?"

"Two weeks" she said looking out the window

"I would love to meet" I said

Miss Shannon smile and nodded excited for me to meet her daughter.

Adrian pulled up at the driveway of the beautiful beach house. We saw Daniel and Nick's car parked already. I guess we were the only ones missing.

We all got out and made our way inside the house. I knocked on the door and waited.

Jim opened thee door "About time" he smiled stepping aside to let us in

"Sorry we ran in some problems with getting someone to get dressed" I said hugging him

He chuckled knowing exactly who I was talking about "It's okay. Adrian sure likes taking him time. Anway everyone is outside in the garden near the pool"

I nodded and made my way over there with them right behind.

We stepped inside and there everyone was.

"Reachel!" I screamed in excitement as I saw her stealing some watermelon from the table that was layed out

"Shh" she chuckled hugging me "Your gonna get me caught. Kelly already warned me not to eat before you guys arrived" she whispered

"I missed you so much" I said embracing her

"I know, I missed you guys too"

Someone cleared they throated behind me and I pulled away to see who it was "Oh, Nick" I said giving a hug

He hugged me before letting go and going over to Reachel. He put an arm around her shoulder and kissed her cheek.

"We actually have something to tell you" Reachel said nervously

"I know you didn't want this but Nick and I finally made a decision. We're dating and we think you should hear us out maybe -"

"Reachel calm down. It's cool. Yeah sure I wasn't down with it at first but I know if you guys really could stay away from each other you would have" I said chuckling because of how nervous they both look.

"Notw come on let's enjoy this vacation" I said taking a bite from the watermelon


My eyes widen as I noticed the voice "Your fucked" Reachel whispered in my hear leaving

"Don't leave me here alone" I begged

She chuckled and winked my way before walking inside the house.


I turned around "Kelly" I smiled

"You and Reachel never listen to me. I clearly asked everyone not to eat yet" she scolded narrowing her eyes at me

I pouted "oh come on. I was starving, there trip here was very unpleasant"

She sighed "Fine"

I chuckled hugging her before going back to eating the mouth watering food that was laid out on the table.

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