Chapter 2 | New Client

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I walk inside the coffee shop. I walk towards Daniel whose on his phone with his legs on the table.

"Your early"

He looks up at me and smiles taking his legs off the table.

"Yeah, kinda used you inviting me for a coffee to get away from my mom"

He says as I slide inside the booth.

"What did you do this time"

He shrugs "kinda almost burned the house trying to make noodles"

I chuckle "You've always been an idiot"

"What's that supposed to mean"

"Nothing" I mumble laughing

He frowns and I laugh harder.

His so adorable.

A waiter comes by.

"What can I get you guys?" he asks

"uh, I'll just have a cup of coffee" Daniel says

"Yeah me too"

The waiter nods and walks away.

I lean back in the chair relaxing a bit. I look around the restaurant it bringing back memories of my old life.

I remember this was a place I would always come to, a place where I would come have coffee with, with him.

I shake my head not letting my thoughts run wild.

I sigh and the waiter comes by and places the cup of coffee on the table.

I smile and thank him before holding my coffee letting it warm my hands.

I take a sip.

"Where's Reachel?" I ask Daniel

"She's probably at work" Daniel says not looking up from his phone

"She still hasn't quite her job as a bartender?" I frown

I hated the fact that guys would make gross comments about her. I remember this one time a drunk guy said something really gross about her body I don't remember exactly what it was though. I literally smashed a beer bottle on his head and he passed out.

Reachel laughed it out and said I was crazy but I really hated her job. I know she isn't safe and it worries me.


I got a text from Miss Dragon saying that I was needed at the office and that she had a new client for me.

I walked inside the building and up to her office.

I knocked on the glass door and it open.

I walked inside.

"Miss Trina?"

Shs turned her chair around "Oh, yes, please come in" she says

I walk inside and sit down on a chair.

"So why am I here on a Sunday" I ask

I was truly pissed that I had to work on a Sunday when everyone else is at home sleeping or just chilling.

"That's because you were off to a vacation while everyone else was working they butts off. So your going to make up for lost time by handling this new client"

I sigh "Fine. So whose this person exactly"

"He will be here soon."

A clashing noise comes from downstairs making me jump in my sit.

"That's probably him" Miss Trina says standing up from her sit  "Come with me so I can introduce you".

I follow behind Miss Trina. We go down the stairs and a tall blonde guy stands there his back turned to us.

His wearing a black suit.

"Mr Davila" Miss Trina says and the guy turns around.

His blue eyes meet mine. I froze in the spot I was standing at.

"Sarah meet -"

I cut Miss Trina off  "Adrian?"

My eyes widened as Adrian stood before me. He looked so different but still the same in a way. I would recognize those blue eyes anywhere.

That dark black hair that made his eyes pop.

His jaw line got thicker and his more muscular. More handsome.

"You guys know each other" Miss Trina asks

I nod my eyes not leaving his.

"Brilliant, then there's no need for introductions, you guys can go ahead and get into business then" Miss Trina turn around on her heels that clicked on the floor as she walked away leaving me with Adrian. The last man on the planet I would want to be around.

"Its been a while Sarah" he says

His voice has definitely gotten thick and deeper.

I just stood there and stared at him my body shaking.

"So are you gonna show me around or what?"

I clear throat "Uh, actually I suddenly don't feel well. I have to go. But come by tomorrow so we could talk and have this meeting"

I left the building in a rush. I could feel my throat aching like I couldn't breath.

My palms were sweating and I just felt numb for a second. I lean against the pole  trying to calm down.

After so long I finally was able to forget him and his back into my life.

His back. And I just don't know if I can handle this much pressure of him being back.

After so long. His back and so is everything I felt for him.


Reachel slides the bottle of vodka on the bar and I grab it, taking a huge sip.

It burned my throat slightly but I didn't care. I needed it.

"Take it easy, jeez" Reachel says from behind the bar.

She was still on duty and I needed a friend so I came to the bar she was working at and seens I was already here I decided to have a few drinks.

I sigh and take another sip.

"Are you okay? You never drink like this unless...... What happened Sarah?"

I could feel the tear rolling down my cheek "You remember Adrian. The guy I told you about"

She nods.

"Well the bastard's back. And the worse thing is that his my new client"

Rachel's eyes widened probably as shocked as I am.

"Your planning his wedding?"

I nod.

"How ironic" she mutters.

I'm a wedding planner. I take care of everything in your wedding the only thing you do is give me the details and what you want. Not in many years, have I thought that one day I would run into Adrian and it would be because I'm planning his wedding.

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