Chapter 4 | Nightmare

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I climbed out the bus and the wedding polar sign standing bold and huge. The most popular wedding organizing shop in Florida.

I walked inside the building and everyone turned they heads when I walked in.

I walked in to Miss Trina or Miss Dragon firing the new intern.

"Pack your things and get out. I don't have time for lazy people in my work place" She said to the blacked haired guy standing there.

The guy scrambled around the office grabbing his things and putting them inside the box.

The guy rushed out the building and Miss Trina's eyes landed on me.

She looked at me for a long moment, scanning my every figure. I was already sweating.

"Follow me" She says walking up the stair cases.

I slowly followed her up.

"Good luck" Kelly mumbled as I walked pass her.

I just shrugged and walked inside Miss Trina's office.

"Close the door please" She said taking a sit on her chair

I did so and sat down.

"Firstly I want to let you know your actions yesterday were very unprofessional" She says her eyes narrowing at me "We don't use being sick as an excuse. You know this, am I right?"

I nodded.

"Okay, good. Then it's the last time it will be happening." she leans back in her chair "Sarah, when I hired you it was because I saw the potential in you. I saw how good you are. That's why I assigned this couple to you. I need you to make they wedding incredible."

I sighed "Yes ma'am"

"Alright then, you'll partner up with Kelly as always. She'll assist you in the plans. Oh, and I also set up a meeting for you with Mr Davila and his fiance. So in that way you can just have both opinions"

At that moment I already pictured how awkward it would be. I didn't want this. But it's my job and I can't let my personal affairs with Adrian make me loose a chance of a promotion.

As much as I wanted to say no. I nodded.

I agreed, mentally preparing myself for an long awkward dinner.


I'm currently at home. I called Daniel telling him it was an emergency.

After a while later, when I called him the door bell rings.

I rushed over to the door.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asked walking inside my apartment.

I closed the door "I can't choose an outfit"

He sighed rolling his eyes "I ran all the way here, because you couldn't find something to wear?!"

I nod "Come on. You know these things stress me out. And I needed a friend"

He rolls his eyes "Where's Reachel. Why didn't you call her"

"Reachel is at work. so that's why I called you" I mumble walking upstairs to my room.

Daniel followed behind me cursing.

I kept laughing and he would curse more.



I set up the table wiping the plates and placing them on the table.

I want this dinner to be perfect.

I want everything to be perfect.

"Honey!" I called

"Yes?" Jennifer asks walking down the stairs

"Uh, can you please cook your special vegetable soup?" I ask her

She looked at me frowning "Why?"

"Because as you know we have guests and I want it to be perfect"

She graoned and walked in the kitchen "I don't think this person is even that important"

She is to me.

"That's not the point. Every guests of ours should be treated amazingly".

The door bell rings.

I look down at my watch.

Its too early to be Sarah.

I yanked the door open revealing my mom standing there wearing her yellow dress that I hate so much.

"Hi, honey" She says kissing my cheek

I frowned "Uh why are you here?"

She walks in pass me "Am I not allowed to visit my son, whenever"

I close the door following her in the kitchen "No mom that's not what I  meant. Anyway your here, so it doesn't matter"

She totally ignores me and starts a conversation with Jennifer and helps her cook.

I don't know why I'm nervous but I am. The day I saw Sarah I was shocked. And she clearly was too. She even ran away.

Its sucks seeing her after so long. She looks kinda the same but different in a way too.

I can sense that she hasn't forgiven me even if we both messed up back then.

I sigh, more nerves then before.

This dinner definitely will be awkward.



"No you knock" I tell Kelly

She rolls her eyes and knocks on the door.

After a while Adrian opens the door. Our eyes meet. I scan his outfit. His wearing a blue suit and a pair of Jordans. His also wearing a black v-neck and a gold ice chain.

Kelly clears her throat "If you two are now done drooling over each other can we please come in Mr Davila"

I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks. I looked away to prevent anyone seeing how hard I was blushing.

"Uh, Yeah please come in" He says moving aside.

Kelly and I walk in. His house is huge. The walls are white and there's stair cases that curve all the way to the top.

"Oh, wow"

Adrian chuckles coming to stand beside me "I know, huge, right." he leans down to whisper in my hear.

His hot breath making my body shiver.

I move a step away from him "Yeah, it's not that bad"

He rolls his eyes and walks up the stair cases. After a short while he comes back down with his.........

My eyes widened. Oh hell no.

"Uh, Sarah do you remember, Jennifer" Adrian asks

Of course I remember that slut. The same bitch who made my high school life a living hell.

Kelly nudges my arm bringing me back to reality.

"Uh, yeah I remember her. Jennifer the school slut"

"Excuse me?" Jennifer raises her eyebrow

"Uh, shall we go to the sitting area, and start eating while we wait for my mom" Adrian says changing the subject

Kelly and I rush over, walking in front of them.

"What was that?" Kelly asks whispering so they don't hear

I sigh taking a sit "Nothing"

Everyone sits done and we all Awkwardly wait for Adrian's mother to come.

I didn't get along with Adrian's mother back then, so this will definitely be me living my nightmares.


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