Chapter 9 | Gin

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I sat at the table waiting anxiously with Kelly sitting next to me. Not that she was much comfort because she kept blabbering nonsense that I was not listening to. Eventually Adrian and Jennifer walked in. I can't say I was relieved to see them because they were why I was anxious. 

They made they way to the table and Adrian sat down first in the chair opposite mine. He looked up at me and back down.

"What did you guys want to discuss with us?" Jennifer asked with her annoying squeaky voice.

"We couldn't find any wild flowers so instead we ordered blue blossoms" Kelly said 

I looked at Adrian and he suddenly froze at the menision of blue blossoms. He started tensing and our eyes met. I couldn't tell if he was angry or not, he had a blank expression. 

"Thats so unprofessional I thought you guys were the best at what you do yet you couldn't find any wild flowers!" Jennifer shouted 

I rolled my eyes "We are the best at what we do. Beside who in they right mind would want wild flowers at they wedding?" I couldn't control my self so I burst out.

She looked shocked before straightening herself "Whatever, we will let this slide but your boss will hear about this, we will allow the blue blossom changes only because it's Adrain's favourite flower"

With her words I turned to look at Adrain. He was tapping his finger on the table. We both know why he likes blue blossoms. 

"Sarah can we talk" Adrain said looking at me dead in the eyes. His stare made me a little uncomfortable. 

"About what?" Jennifer asked morelikely whispering it to Adrain 

"Nothing" he said standing up "Come on Sarah lets talk over there"

I followed him outside the restaurant. It was getting cold outside and the sun was beginning to set.

"Are you doing this on purpose?" He asked with a cold deep voice 

"Doing what?"

"Don't act stupid, we both know blue blossoms were a symbol of our love we even have tattoos of the damn flower "

I slapped him hard on the cheek leaving a red print of my hand on his cheek "Don't speak to me like that, and no I'm not doing all this on purpose because I myself hate remembering our relationship. I hate being reminded of how much I loved you"

I walked back inside the restaurant and walked back to the table "Kelly come on we're leaving" I turned to look over at Jennifer who seemed confused "I almost pity you for marrying an asshole but seems you just an asshole aswell, you two suit each other "

I walked away and I could hear Kelly calling my name but I was way to angry, way too hurt. I don't know why words hurt so much but they do. It's like I'm an egg that's so fragile that he could break anytime.

I felt a hand yank me to turn around. I looked at Kelly who stood there out of breath "Can you stop for a second, jeez" she said between breaths 

"What the hell happened?" she asked 

I said nothing as a tear slipped down my cheek.

She sighed "let me guess, Adrain"

I nodded "I don't get why his words affect me so much but they do"

"Maybe it's because you still love him. And before you deny it think about it, why would what he says hurt so much why would it even reach a point where you cry. You love him Sarah. Despite whatever happened between you too, you love him"

I thought about Kelly's words. I tryed denying it but she had a point, maybe that's why I'm so fragile to whatever he says. 

This can't be good. I can't be in love with him. Firstly he hates me and I'm supposed to hate him, his also getting married and there isn't a future for him and I. I can't let these feelings get the best of me. I have to make sure I get this wedding over with and get Adrain out of my life once again. It's what's best for me and him.


I asked kelly to drop me off at the supermarket. Right now I'm just filling my basket with ice cream. A lot of it. I then wait in line. It was so long and it was even curving. I can't wait this long I'm sure by the time it's my turn I'll be over this heartbreak. I sighed and emptied, my basket and made my way to the liquor store. If I can't get ice cream I might as well drink a lot of alcohol. 

I bought two bottles of Gin and made my way out of the store. I called a cab and it dropped me off at the apartment building. 

I made my way inside and there stood my annoying neighbour miss Shannon. I put on my best fake smile "Hey miss Shannon "

"Hi Sarah. You've been out and about a lot these past few days. Don't tell me you have started dating"

I rolled my eyes, this woman sure talks a lot of shit.

"I'm not dating, though I suggest you try dating so you could foccus on minding your own business"

I walked pass her and inside the elevator. I got off and made my way to my apartment. 

I unlocked the door to Nick and Reachel making out on the sofa.

They both jumped and separated.

"Its not what it seems like" Reachel stuttered 

"Ewww my gosh" I faced palm myself "listen you guys are adults so I don't honestly care just don't forget to use protection and do your business in the room, I'll just be in my room"

I walked pass them and up to my room. Honestly I am not in the mood to deal with this.

I locked myself inside my room and opened the bottle of Gin. I drank it from the bottle and it burned my neck but I didn't care. I like how it burned, it hurt but I still kept drinking.

After 30 minutes of me savouring the burning sensation, someone knocked on my door and I shot up and stumbled to the door. My knee knocked on the side of my bed "Fuck" I cursed and got back up.

"This better be worth me knocking my knee" I stuttered and yanked the door open.

"oh, dear brother, I have to say you shocked me, kissing my friend really?"

Nicked sighed "Are you drunk?"

I laughed "No, yes, does it matter? It's better then being sober anyway"

"Your an idiot" Nick said pushing me aside and entering my room. He looked around and picked up the empty bottle from the ground. He walked over to me angrily.

"The whole fucking thing?"

I laughed and layed back on my bed "Shhh, I wanna go to sleep"

He sighed "What's wrong?"

"You, Reachel, Adrian, everyone is wrong. Everything is wrong"

His eyes softened and he pulled me against his chest "I'm gonna say this because I know you won't remember it tomorrow, but I'm really sorry for being a burden. I know you might not admit it but I've made your life harder then it needs to be. But I'll make it up to you one day"

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