Chapter 11: Lies

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"We have actually-"

Adrian cut me off "Yep. We're still dating"

I raised an eyebrow at him. He just chuckled nervously and pulled me closer to him. He put his hand over my shoulder.

"That's really great you two" Mr Ronalds said "I'll go see what's taking so long" He said walking over to the counter.

Adrian moved away from me and sighed.

I kinda feel sad that he moved so quickly like I was on fire or something but I guess his loyal to Jennifer.

"Why did you tell him that we were still together?" I asked

"I had no choice. I mean look at him, his happy to see us together like this, he was our relationships biggest fan, he would be devasted to find we let something that petty get between us"

"Petty? Seriously"

He shrugged "What? It was"

I rolled my eyes "Your still a dick"

He sighed "Listen, can we just pretend in front of him. I don't want to let him down"

"Lies aren't gonna get us out of this, I would have thought you learnt that through our break up" I muttered and he was about to say something but Mr Ronalds came back with our food.

He smiled over at us as he placed the plates down "Sorry it took long, apparently one of our chefs just quit"

"oh, it's okay we didn't wait that long anyway" I said wasting no time in eating the food before me.


We waved Mr Ronalds off as he got into his black Lamborghini Countach.

When he drove away I turned to look at Adrian "So about what we came here to talk about"

"Not now" He said walking over to his car.

"Then when, your getting married in a week, my boss's gonna kill me if I can't make your wedding happen" I said folding my arms.

Adrian got into his car and rolled his window down "That doesn't sound like my problem"

"What do you mean your the one getting married, don't you want it to be perfect" Saying those words left a bitter taste on my tongue but nonetheless it was important for me to make this wedding happen.

"Fine, how about this. Do what you think needs to be done" He said and drove away.

I stood there realizing that he was my only ride. I looked aroundamd realized the streets were empty.

I ran a frustrated hand through my hair, things just had to be so complicated with Adrian. It was never easy with him. Never.

I pulled my phone out my pocket and dialed Reachel's phone number.

After two rings she answered.


"Hey, uh, Reachel I need a ride" I sighed.

I could already see the smile that was spread across her face on the other side of the call.

"Where are you?"

"At a diner, remember the one that I had told you that Adrian and I had always gone to when we we're still together"

"Yeah, okay I'll be there in a few minutes"

I hung up the call and sat down on the cold pavement. I was wondering why Adrain had acted the way he did just a while ago.

Did this place haunt him by remembering our relationship that much. Cause it sure did haunt me but in a good way. I couldn't help myself but smile once I remembered a memory that we shared here. But when I looked over at him he seemed hurt. It seemed like remembering our relationship tore him apart. Like it broke something within him. Like he hated the fact that this diner brought back memories.

But then again. He was the one who had decided of this place. He was the one who brought us here knowing that it would bring back memories.

At this point I'm not sure if remembering hurts him or brings him joy. Or did he not even realize how much this diner meant to our relationship.


A car pulled up in front of me and I looked up to see Reachel's car parked in front of me.

I got up and made my way into the passenger seat.

"Hey" She beamed

I didn't say anything instead buckled up and looked ahead. The car started moving and I sat back.

"Are you okay?" she asked looking at me from the corner of her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I mumbled closing my eyes.

After a long moment of silence Reachel let out a deep sigh "Listen, I just want you to hear me out" She said still focusing on the road "I told Nick we should stay away from each other because I know it makes you uncomfortable and as your best friend I don't want to put you through that"

I took a moment to let what she was saying settle in.

"Do you like my brother?" I asked

She looked at me and raised her eyebrows but nonetheless answered the question "I think his interesting, I would like to get to know him more. You know and see what the future has in stored-" she let out a little chuckle "But that can wait. What's important for me is my best friend"

I smiled "Great to have you back to your senses"

She chuckled "Great to have the less angry you back"


Reachel and I made our way to my apartment. When we got there Nick wasn't there which was perfect for us. It made things easier, I guess.

Miss Shannon was sitting with us inside as we ate some snacks.

"So, where are you currently working at?" Miss Shannon asked Reachel who took a sip from her coffee.

"At a bar a few blocks away" Reachel said softly.

I had noticed as time went by she was embarrassed to admit that she was a bartender at a bar with perverts and drunkies.

"The one that always hosts beer games on weekends?"

She nodded and silence sunk in. I could see miss Shannon was biting her lips hard so some rude remark wouldn't escape her lips. She was trying, I guess.

"Speaking of beer games, I have wine and beer in the refrigerator" I trailed off and a smile tugged on they're faces.

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