Chapter 19 : Dad?

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It was a week later and I was hella tired. I think it was the sleepless nights, the nights I spent drinking with Reachel in my room day in and day out.

I felt guilty in a way, Nick kept telling me it wasn't my fault and I know it wasn't but I can't help but feel guilty, I should have been there, I was once, why couldn't I be then.

Reachel has been living with me and Nick so we could keep her company. Though Nick was rarely home, he was out doing his own thing every night. He came home drunk or came home bruised. I knew he was hurting and he got over the hurt by drinking and getting into fights.

I didn't bother giving him a speech about dealing with his pain by getting into fights because I know that's not what he needs right now, I know that's not the kind of comfort he needs. So I would change his clothes and put him to sleep on nights he came home drunk and I would treat his wounds when he came home all bruised.

Daniel on the other hand was going to the gym everyday. He kept punching his punching bag everyday. He didn't rest, I think that was his way of dealing with it. He feels like he should have arrived earlier and maybe we all wouldn't be in this situation. Tough I tell him everyday that he did what he could do and we can't control somethings that happen.

And Adrian. He came over and visit from time to time. And he actually canceled his wedding. He told me a few days ago that he thought it would be out of place to have a wedding while everyone was healing from what happened and surprisingly what happened had a huge affect on him as well.

I think what happened to Reachel left us all in pain. We were all maoning. She truly wasn't in this all alone. She wasn't the only one who carried the trauma wherever she went, she wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep. We all couldn't.

Right now I was sitting on the porch trying to get some fresh air. Everyone was inside. They came over to chill and maybe get Reachel's mind off things. Adrain, Daniel, Jim, Kelly, Miss Shannon and Nick were all inside. Miss Shannon brought some chicken she cooked with her while Jim and Kelly brought some pizza and Adrian brought wine and whiskey and Daniel brought a salad and a cake, though it was no one's birthday.

Though who said cake was only for birthdays. His words not mine.

"Why are you out here alone?" Adrian asked come joining me on the bench I was sitting on.

"Just needed some fresh air" I said looking at the sky. It was surely beautiful.

"You know, I didn't cancel the wedding only because I was thinking of Reachel but I had you in mind as well" Adrian said

I looked at him with my eyebrow raised "Me?"

He nodded "Yeah, you. After what happened between us it only made me realize how much I wanted you in my life. How much I loved you. I want you to come back to me"

I sighed "Adrian you have a fiance"

"And I'm working on changing that. Jennifer and I are separating" he said taking a hold off my hand.

I yanked my hand away "Please don't ruin this evening" I stood up "We're here for Reachel, don't take advantage of that. Besides a relationship is the last thing on mind. Right now, my best friend is my first priority"

I walked back inside leaving him alone on the bench outside.

I was a little happy to hear that he did that for me. Surefor the few couple of weeks I would have done anything to hear those words leave Adrian's lips but with here I am right now in my life, I'll pass. I don't need anymore drama.

When I walked inside everyone was ready to eat. They gathered around the table and everyone grabbed a chair. As if on cue Adrian walked in. He sat next to Miss Shannon and Jim. Kelly sat on my left and Reachel on my right.

We all begin immediately digging into our food as small conversations started.

"So Adrian, I heard you canceled your wedding" Jim said

Adrian nodded.

"Why?" Reachel asked looking at him confused.

"The spark disappeared" Adrian answered shrugging

"Oh" Reachel answered looking at me for a reaction.

I didn't give one though. I looked down on my plate the entire time not once meeting Adrian or Reachel's gaze.


Dinner went by, quickly and a few people had already left. Jim, Kelly and Adrian left a few minutes ago.

I was helping Miss Shannon pack away when the door bell rang.

"I'll get it" Daniel said getting up from the sofa.

He opened the door and I could see him tense up.

"Mr Frederick" Daniel said

I could see the colour drain from Reachel's eyes.

This wasn't good at all.

I rushed over to the door and saw him standing there. Mr Frederick had a blue suit on and two body guards stood behind him.

"Where's my daughter?" he asked in cold tone.

"She's not here" Daniel lied

"Don't lie to me boy, there's consequences you'll have to pay if you do" he said walking closer to Daniel a deadly smirk on his face.

"Dad! Don't" Reachel said pushing her dad away from Daniel.

"Oh, my dear" Her dad said pulling her into a hug "I knew you were here" he said smiling

Reachel pulled away from the hug "How did you find me?"

"Sarah aren't you going to let me and in and talk to my daughter?" he asked smirking at me.

I looked over at Reachel and she nodded saying it was fine.

"Sure please come in, but your bull dogs will wait for you outside" I said nodding my head

He ordered his men to stay outside and came in. He sat down on the sofa and Reachel sat down next to him. I gathered everyone into the kitchen so we could leave Reachel and her dad alone.

"Scream if anything happens" Nick said to Reachel glaring at Mr Frederick

I smacked his head and pulled him into the kitchen.

"We have a lot to talk about my dear daughter" was the last thing I heard before they conversation turned into faint unhearable mumbles.


Vote and comment what you thing off Mr Frederick a.k.a Reachel's dad. Is he gonna be trouble or a alot of help? 😏

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