Chapter 15 : Love Him Or Let Him Go

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It was two days later and I had locked myself in my room.

I didn't want to go out. From time to time Reachel would come check in on me and eat ice-cream with me. And as for Kelly she would too, she would come ask for updates on the wedding and all. I still worked on the wedding while at home in my room.

Mrs Trina didn't mind at all as long as I was still planning the wedding.

A knock came from the door "You know, you can't lock yourself in there forever" I heard Daniel say through the door.

I got up and opened the door for him. He stood there in black jeans and a white vest.

"How are you doing?" he asked stepping inside my room.

"I'm not gonna lie to you, horribly,I just want to be left alone but at the same time I don't want to be lonely" I said jumping on my bed.

"Sounds like depression to me" he said chuckling

"That's not funny, I'm going through a midlife crisis and your making jokes about it" I said throwing a pillow at him.

He laughed "It is, I just don't get girls"

I rolled my eyes "I don't even know why invited you over"

"Well then I'll tell you why" he said with a more serious face "you invited me over because your tired of dwelling in yourself misery, you needed someone who was going to joke about it, someone whose gonna be honest with you unlike Reachel or Kelly whose gonna tell you what you want to hear"

I sighed and hit my head with a pillow "I hate you"

"Of course you don't" he said laughing while picking up the bag he had dropped on the floor.

"What's that?" I asked coming closer to him and peeking in the bag.

He yanked it away "Its a surprise don't look"

I chuckled while shaking my head "Well are you gonna show me or what?"

He shaked his head "So impatient, here" he handed it to me. I took it and opened it.

I took out the pink teddy bear, it was big and fluffy.

"Daniel, it's so cute" I said admiring the bear.

He chuckled "I thought you might like it. That's not all keep looking"

I took out the chocolate bars. There were three chocolate bars each having a message tied to it.

'remember that in the darkest parts in our life's there's always that light shining threw'

I smiled at the message and read the second one.

'fear kills more dreams then failure ever could'

And the last poem was my favorite.

'In the end we discover that to love and to let go is the same thing'

I read the last poem over and over again.

"Sarah, what do you really think staying here in your room is gonna do. Because you have a choice to make, whether you love him, or let him go" Daniel said placing a hand on my shoulder.

A tear slipped down my cheek "Maybe I just wanna be numb and not have to choose"

He sighed "Then don't for now, but you have five days before the wedding, so hurry up in making a choice before its made for you"


Daniel's words had been running on my mind all day.

I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried.

'you either choose to love him or let him go'

That was the line that was stuck in my head. I wanted to be with Adrian every chance I got but then again if I chose to love and let him back into my life there was Jennifer. She was my high-school bully but I knew better then to get revenge.

She is human too and I know if someone did that to me it would tear me apart but where has thinking about everyone else gotten me. Maybe this once I could be selfish?

I sighed and looked up at the clock.


It was a bit earlier so I decided on having some snacks and watching a movie to help me fall asleep.

I opened my door and made my way downstairs. Nick was in the kitchen warming up some milk.

Nick and I haven't talked at all during the past few days. We rarely saw each other. And when we did he would be drunk and I wouldn't bother saying anything to him.

I opened the cupboard and took out a glass. I poured myself some juice and I grabbed some junk food and went out the kitchen leaving him in the kitchen.

I decided on watching purple hearts. I had watched it once before but because it was too long I didn't finish it.

"Can I join you?" Nick asked surprising me

I nodded and gave him space to sit next to me.

"I'm sorry about everything -"

"Let's not talk about it okay" I said "I'm tired of apologize, just forget it happened" I said

He nodded a smile on his face that I haven't seen in a while.

I sat closer to him and laid my head on his chest while he engulfed me closer to him.

"Purple hearts, seriously?" he asked

"What? I love the movie" I defended

"We watched it before, how about we watch After we collided" he said pouting

"After we finish my movie then we could watch yours, beside its a long night and I need some company to get some things off my mind" I said

Nick nodded letting me have my way as we both turned back to the TV screen and continued to watch.

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