Chapter 13 : I Don't Think I Can

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I was currently at work typing on my computer. Mrs Trina a.k.a Mrs Dragon asked me to update her via email on our progress on Adrian's wedding.

Someone taped my shoulder and when I turned around, Jim was standing there. He smiled at me "Here, I made you coffee" he said

I gave him a thankful smile and took a sip of the coffee.

"So," he started as he grabbed a chair and sat next to me "How's the wedding planning going?" he asked

I sighed and placed the cup of coffee on the table "I guess Kelly has been filling you in"

He nodded.

"Well horribly, I just want it over with, you know or maybe let someone else handle it because I think at this point it's not business anymore but personal feelings are getting attached"

"Well, why don't you let someone else handle it"

"Don't you think I have tried but Mrs Trina won't let me. She says she knows that I'm the only one who can do this because I know the clients well enough"

Jim ran a hand through his hair "Jeez, it's worse then thay say. But I'm sure you got this, you know, you the best at this. Just remember that his not your ex just your client" he said standing up from the chair.

Yeah, I guess Jim was right. This has gotten personal because I made it, I just have to forget last night and remember Adrian's not my ex or the guy I slept with last night, his just a client.


After work I went over to the bar Reachel works at.

I made my way inside the stuffy bar that smelt off alcohol and cigarettes.

Once I stepped inside Reachel was standing there talking to some guy. She looked tired and annoyed by the creep that was trying to hold her hand.

I made my way over to them as I tried passing through the sweating bodies that smelt of alcohol.

"Let me go" I heard Reachel say as I got closer.

"Come on beautiful" the guy said gripping her hand tightly.

Reachel tried to pull away but I guess the grip he had on her was too tight.

"Let her go or else I'll call the cops" I said over the loud music to the guy.

He shrugged and held his hands up in surrender before he walked away he winked at Reachel. I shivered in disgust and pulled her outside the bar. We stepped into the cold atmosphere.

"When is that stupid brain of yours going to realise this place is nothing but trouble?" I asked

Reachel wiped away a tear that had slipped out "This is the only thing I got, that makes me have enough money to pay the landlord for my apartment" she said

I nodded "Okay fine I get it" I sighed "But your not staying here, come on we're going back to my place"

She nodded as I interlocked our hands. We walked to apartment since it was two blocks away and besides I needed the walk after all the stress today has brought.


We made it to the apartment and when we walked inside Nick was sitting there shirtless. He was holding a beer bottle in his hands.

He looked up at us as we got inside. I could see the sad look in his eyes when his eyes met Reachel's. Reachel just looked down instead.

Thinking off it the past two days Nick wasn't home. He didn't even sleep home either. And seeing the bottle in his hands I could already guess he was out drinking.

"Nick, where have you been?" I asked as I closed the door.

"Don't act like you care" He said and got up. He walked away into his room.

"He was at the bar" Reachel said as soon as Nick left.

I gave her a questioning look.

"He came to the bar two days ago and just started drinking and dancing with all these girls. It didn't bother at first but then a got into a fight and then Adrain had also walked in and he was the one who broke it off. After that him and Nick were talking the whole night and then Adrain left, Nick was left alone in the bar and I had asked Vince, to kick him out this morning and that's the only time he left" She explained

I wonder what Nick had said to Adrain to get him to come here to the apartment. Whatever he said is the only explanation I have to why Adrain was here because as far as I remember Adrain didn't even know where I lived. So him showing up out of nowhere was odd.

"Its doesn't matter anyway, now, his safe home" I  said before walking I to the kitchen. Reachel followed me inside. "So, what do you want to do" I asked her.

"I'm pretty hungry" She said flashing me a smile

I chuckled "Your always hungry" I said taking out some plates.

"I disagree" she said pouting as she galped me out with setting the table.

I filled all off our plates with macaroni and cheese.

"Nick! Your foods ready!" I shouted up the stairs.

My phone pinged with a message.

Nick 19:27pm
I'm not hungry, so leave me alone. :(

I rolled my eyes. Nick was sure a drama queen sometimes.

"So his not eating, uh?" Reachel said popping her head into the living room.

I nodded "But I'm sure Mrs Shannon has room for dinner"


I couldn't sleep that night and I didn't know why myself. Reachel had left an hour ago and as soon as she left I hopped in bed.

I tried drinking milk but it didn't work. I just couldn't stop thinking about Adrian no matter how hard I tried.

"Ugh..." I groaned hitting my face with a pillow.

My phone started ringing and I mentally thank God.

Talking to someone right now is the definitely the distraction I need.

I picked my phone up and Kelly's name popped up on the screen.

"Hello Kelly?" I answered the call.

"Sorry for calling you this late, but Adrian's dad, John, called me a few minutes ago and said he wanted to meet with us tomorrow about the wedding" she said

I frowned "Adrian's dad? But why?"

"I have no idea. But he sounded serious about meeting with us" she said

I sighed "Well then at what time?"

"At ten in the morning"


"At Adrian's house" Kelly said and she let out a yawn.

I chuckled "Okay then Kelly. Get some sleep you sound tired I'll see you tomorrow in the morning"

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