Chapter 18 : Your All Alone

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"Where's Reachel?" he asked

"Right here" Reachel said from behind me

Adrian rush past me and engulfed Reachel into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry" he said to her while hugging her

"Its okay, I know you tried" Reachel muttered back crying

I closed the door and stood there completely confused.

"What's going on?" I asked

They pulled away "Adrian will tell you everything, I'm not sure I want to relive last night's truama" Reachel said walking upstairs

Adrian sat down and I sat down next to him ready to listen. I could feel the high tension between us after what happened but we weren't gonna let it ruin the fact that we were both here for Reachel.

"Well as you may know I have been going to the bar Reachel wokrs at for a couple of days now" he said his eyes focused on the ground "she and I were talking while she poured me drinks. I told her I was going to the bathroom, I was a little a tipsy so I hadn't noticed the guys that were staring at her the whole night."

He sighed running a frustrated hand through his "Some bastard locked me inside the bathroom so it took me longer then necessary to come back to her and when I did, Daniel was pulling some guy off her and I ran over and helped him fight the guy off. Though she was raped by one guy there was three of them keeping watch at the door. I told Daniel to get Reachel out of there and I stayed behind to finish them off. That's why I look like this. I got in touch with my lawyer and wanted them arrested immediately that's why I didn't come by last night I was busy trying to make sure they would be locked up. And right now all of them are in jail and will be serving 15 years"

I nodded in understanding.

"Thank you for everything" I said laying my hand on his shoulder

He nodded "I'll come by later. I didn't go home last night so I have a few things I need to do"

Adrian left and I decided to go check up on Reachel.

When I got inside the room she was sitting at the edge of the bed looking down at her hands.

"Adrian just left" I said.

She looked up "Oh" was all she said

I knew this was going to take time but I won't lie and say this wasn't frustrating. She wasn't this cold before. She used to have so much more to say. She used to have this smile that shined so bright now, a day later that smile's gone. Because of some assholes we couldn't keep it in his pants.

I slammed my hand against the wall.

She flinched at little taken aback.

"I'll be downstairs" I said needing some fresh air.

I turned around and her words stopped me in my tracks.

"Your all alone"

I turned to look at her confused.

"Your all alone. He kept repeating those words to me" she said standing up "No one's gonna help you so don't scream" She said walking over to her dresser "Stop trying to fight and admit that you also want this" she held the vase in her hand "I'm gonna make this night memorable to you" she threw it across the room and it smashed on the wall.

"He sure fucking made it memorable!" she threw another one. SMASH.

"So what now, Reachel, you just fucking move on" she threw her mirror against the wall and I just stood there flinching everytime something broke. I just watched her break down.

"I just pretend it never happened!" She smashed her TV against the floor

"Reachel -" I started and she cut me off.

"What?! Uh! Is this scaring you! Because fuck, Sarah, trust me I was even more scared. All I could do was scream, but that didn't help! You think your the only one who didn't sleep last night. I didn't too! I was awake because every fucken time I close my eyes I see his naked body pressed against mine!" she screamed tears rolling down her eyes every second they got.

Her eyes were blood shot red.

"I'm Sorry" I cried

She shaked her head "oh, please don't be. This isn't your fault its mine. I shouldn't have known better, maybe I deserve this" she picked up the piece of glass that was on the floor because off the mirror she broke.

"Reachel don't, it's not gonna make anything better if you do" I said pleading with her

She shrugged "I know, but maybe if i dead right now you wouldn't have to burden yourself with a fucked up friend"

I fell on my knees. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do.

"Okay fine!" I screamed "Go ahead then! Kill yourself. But I won't be attending your stupid funeral! Reachel there's so many people whose here for you! There's so many people who want to help you but we can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped or someone who isn't willing to try to help herself out"

I stood up wiping my tears "You want to kill yourself" I walked up to her and gave her a bigger piece of glass then the one she had against her wrist that she was ready to cut open "Here then let me help you out. Go ahead. Be my fucking guest!"

She looked intensely in my eyes conteplenting what to do. She dropped the glass and a relieved sigh left my lips as I pulled her into a hug "I'll be here for you, always, because that's what friends are for. We will take this one step at a time, okay, we will mend what that monster broke together"


Jeez, 🤪 things are getting pretty intense. I wrote this chapter listening to Billie Eilish because I felt like her songs were perfect for this chapter.

anway, I have a question.

If you were in Sarah's situation and that was your friend, How would you have handle the situation? Do you think she did a great job handling the situation? Comment your answer.

Don't forget to vote!

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