Chapter 17 : I Could Only Imagine

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When I got home I was exhausted. I had finally finished the sketch I was drawing, thank God.

I threw my bag on the sofa and walked inside the kitchen. I turned on the coffee machine.

A knock came from the door.

"I got it" Nick shouted running down the stairs.

I raised an eyebrow at his actions. He never gets excited to open the door. Matter of fact he always complains about opening the door for people, he absolutely hates it.

"Oh, it's you" I heard him say before slamming the door shut again.

I walked out the kitchen and smacked him at the back of the head "Don't be rude" I said opening the door again.

Daniel stood there in shorts and no t-shirt on.

"Why are you naked?" I asked Stepping aside to let him in

"I was jogging and I decided to stop by when I came across your house" he said letting himself in.

"Okay, what's up?" I asked him

"Well I have bad news" He said placing his sling bag on the sofa and running a frustrated hand through my hair.

"What is it? What happened?"

"Well, I went to the bar where  Reachel works and when I got there some guy was trying to get on her, he was harassing her, I helped her out and knocked the guy out and got him arrested but the thing is, I wasn't exactly on time, he did.... " his face turned red with anger and he balled up his fists.

"come on tell me" I urged

"he already raped her"

I could feel the colour draining from my face. "He did what?!" Nick asked stepping inside the living room. His face was red with anger. He looked wild and ready to  kill.

"Nick calm down" I said putting my hand on his shoulder

"Calm down! How can I come down when some assholes laid a hand on Reachel?!" he screamed

I sighed "Where is she?" I asked

"She's in my house right now" Daniel said

"Okay, you guys stay here, I'll go check up on her" I said grabbing my purse and jersey

"But I want to come with" Nick pouted

"No, I get you want to see her but that isn't going to help her, so just stay here. I'll keep in touch, don't worry" I said

I opened the door but before I left Daniel shouted "Just so you know what to expect. It's bad, she's traumatized and isn't in a good place, she wouldn't even talk to me"

I sighed "Trust me, you didn't have to say that, I already can imagine how she feels, she is my best friend after all and I know everything there is to know" I mumbled as I shut the door.

I called a cab and I silently sat inside the car as it drove. I could only imagine what she was going through. Reachel's the strongest person I know, but I'm not so sure anyone could be strong enough to over come feeling violated.

The car came to a hault and I paid the driver and rushed inside Daniel's house.

The lights were off. I unlocked the door "Reachel?" I called out.

I could hear someone crying. I walked inside the kitchen to see her on the floor with her knees in front of her chest. She wrapped herself on the floor and buried her head between her knees as she cried.

I sighed as my heart broken into a million pieces. Reachel was like a sister to me and seeing her this broken made me wanna burn the men who did this alive.

I turned on the lights and she looked up at me.

A sad smile came across her lips as she tilted her head to the side "You were right" she said softly "You told me before that, that place would only bring me misery and I didn't listen to you. Now look where that got me"

I shakes my head sitting next to her on the floor "I don't fucking care what I said, Reachel. That's not important" I said holding her hand "Are you okay?"

She laid her head back on the kitchen counter "No, but does that really matter?"

I sighed and pulled her against my chest "I'm here for you. I'm not gonna ask you not to cry, so let it all out"

And that was her cue. She held tightly onto me and cried. She let it all out. My shirt was wet by her tears and I didn't care. I held her, because that's all I could do. Hold her.


Hours had passed and Reachel was asleep on Daniels bed.

I hated seeing her in that state but there wasn't exactly anything I could do.

I took my phone out my pocket and dailed Daniels number.

He answered immediately.

"Is everything okay?" he asked

I sighed "Yeah, I got her to finally fall asleep. Daniel how about you stay over at my place, I you could sleep in my bed or the guest room"

"Is it that bad?"

"She'll be fine, she has to be" I said a tear rolling down my cheek. I hadn't even noticed I had tears of my own that I needed to let out.

"I'll take the guest room. Take care of her, alright?"

I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see it. I ended the call and got ready to fall asleep.

I remembered that Reachel has asked me to sleep next to her before she fell asleep so I went back upstairs and I got under the covers.


It was the next morning and last night I couldn't fall asleep at all. I didn't know why but while Reachel was asleep next to me all I could do was watch her sleep, in case she woke up I wanted to be awake to comfort her.

I made my downstairs and started to make myself coffee.

I tapped on the kitchen island as I drank my coffee.

"You look horrible" Reachel said as she came down the stairs.

I looked at her trying to read her. I wanted to be careful what I said to her or did around her.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep last night" I said unsure

"Sorry you could sleep because of me" she said looking at me her eyes watering

"Don't" I warned "Not now"

A tear sleep down her cheeks. And the door bell rang.

"I got it" I said standing up.

I made my way to the door and Adrain stood there, he looked horrible. His lips were busted and his shirt was torn apart. His hair was all fuzzy and a mess.

What was wrong with everyone nowadays.

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