Chapter 3 | His Fiancé

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I walk into the restaurant where I'm supposed to meet Adrian to talk about his plans for his wedding.

It did hurt a little that he was already getting married. I mean it only has been three years. When did he even meet this person.

I look around the restaurant.

I see his blonde hair right at the back. Clicking my heels against the wooden floor I make my way to him.

"Hi" I muttered sliding into the booth.

He just smiled at me and placed his phone down on the table.

"Do you want anything, I already ordered for me"

I shake my head "Nah, I'm good"


And there it was, the awkward silence once again filling the atmosphere.

I sucked in a breath and looked down at my hands that where on my lap clasped together in a tight fist. I didn't even notice how hard I pressed them together.

I released my hands from each other and looked at the red marks my nails left behind.

"So how have you been?" he asks

"Me?, I'm  good and what about you?"

"Happily getting married soon, so yeah I'm great"

"How arrogant" I mumbled to myself

"What was that?"

I quickly looked at him realizing I said that out loud "Nothing. Can we just talk about what you want for the wedding"

He nods while the waiter comes by and places a glass of wine and a salad in front of him.

He thanks the waiter and the waiter walks away.

"Still a vegetarian"

He nods "Yeah. I tried turning back to eating meat but I can't"

"So the wedding, tell me what you want"

He takes a sip from his wine "Actually I don't have much ideas. But just something simple but yet outstanding"

I write down everything as he keeps talking.

"So anything on the food side?"

"Uh, well as a vegetarian I would like somethings that will accommodate me but also the people who eat meat" he says

I nod.

His phone starts ringing and he answers it.

"Hey, honey"

I roll my eyes. How cheesy who still says honey.

"Yeah I'm on my way"

He drops the call.

"I have to go. I'll just text you"

He rushes off.

And the idiot doesn't have my number.

I sigh.

His always been an idiot, I guess his body grew but definitely not his mind.


I walked inside the grey building tired. After the meeting with Adrian I went to grab a few drinks at the nearest bar.

Two beer bottles turned into five.

I stumbled up the stair cases. I almost tripped but luckily held on the rail "Shit that was close"

I started walking again and finally reached the top.

I walked to my room.

"Sarah are you drunk?" Miss Shannon asked peeking out her window.

I sigh. This woman sure is arrogant.

"No I'm not" I mumbled walking pass her.

I quickly made my way to my apartment and unlocked it. I went inside and turned on the lights.

I was finally back to the warm cozy feeling of my home.

I stumbled inside and made my way to the kitchen. I took out a cup and poured myself some water.

Before I could take a sip, rush came over to my stomach. I quickly rushed inside the bathroom and kneeled on the toilet.

I puked all my inside out. Not literally. I sighed and leaned against the wall trying to catch a breath.

I surged forward into the toilet for another round. All that nasty taste of alcohol leaving my system.

I rinsed my mouth and and watched my hands.

I could hear my phone ringing from the kitchen.

I walked over my head pounding. My eyes were almost closed because of how painful it was keeping them open.


I picked up the phone.


"Sarah where are you?" Kelly asks with her high pitched voice, I couldn't help but wince.

"Not so loud Kelly" I groaned "And I'm at home, why?"

"Well that's because Miss Dragon has gone all fuming fire. She says that you have to drop by the office immediately" She says

"Oh hell no. Tell her I'm not doing that. I'm not feeling well" I whine into the phone while throwing my body on the sofa.

"Well girl I don't think you have a choice"

I sit up straight on the sofa "Give her the phone"

"Are you serious"

"Yes, Kelly!"

I could hear Kelly shifting around until I heard Miss Tina's voice.

"Ma'am I'm not dropping by because I'm not feeling well. You mind telling me why you wanted me to come by" I ask

"Well thats because Adrian's fiance is here and she's telling me that she doesn't like the designs you sent her"

I roll my eyes "Then tell that bitch/I mean tell that lady that she's gonna have to talk to her husband because he was the one who picked them out"

I dropped the call.

The nerve of some people, how ungrateful.

Rubbing my eyes, I decided that going to sleep would be for the best.

While I was walking up to my room I still couldn't believe Adrian's fiancé. He wasn't the type to go for Karen's if you know what I mean.

He was always a humble, quiet person. And that's the type of people he would go for. Maybe I was an exception because I'm definitely not quiet. But humble, maybe.

I got to my room and got under the covers and snuggled into the warm blankets and pillow.

I turn my night lamp off and closed my eyes.

I could hear my phone ringing rapidly, probably being my boss but I couldn't care less.

I finally dozed off, shutting off every outside noise.

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