Chapter 23: New Beginnings Part. 2

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We all were scattered around the house everyone having their own conversations and doing they all thing.

The girls and I were outside by the pool sitting on camp chairs catching up.

"So how did Nick convince you to come here" I asked drinking my lemonade

"He didn't have to" she said laying back in her chair "Though we had to convince my supervisors to allow me to go"

"You guys! The food is ready!" Nick shouted popping his head out the window

"We will be right there!" Kelly shouted. She turned to me with a questioning look "Seens when does Nick cook?"

I chuckled "Seens he opened his own restaurant and moved out of my apartment"

"His sure is growing fast" Kelly mumbled

"He is"


Nick's food was amazing. Everyone's mouth was watering.

We all dug in without a second thought.

There was so much to choose from.

Italian dishes

"Why is there so much food?" Adrian asked riasing his eyebrow as he scanned all the food

I chuckled "knowing you, you could eat all this food in one go"

"You making me look like a heavy eater" he mumbled embrassed

Everyone chuckled at his red cheeks.

Wasting no time I grabbed the pizza and started eating. Soon after everyone started eating.

"What is this?" Reachel asked pointing to the Adobo.

"It's a Filipino dish. It's actually the number one dish in the Philippines" Nick explained "Try it, it's really good"

Reachel nodded and tried it before we knew it she went back for seconds and thirds.

All I was eating was the pizza and the African bunny chow.

We ate and made jokes. It was great just seeing everyone here. We all have been through alot. The past months we were all trying to pull our shit together and sort our things together.

Now we finally did and here we all were taking a break and just enjoying the moment.

After we ate the girls and I went inside the kitchen and washed the dishes seens Nick cooked and the other guys set up the table.

We all chatted in the kitchen and as we helped each other wash the dishes.

"He was seriously thinking of buying a puppy" I laughed shaking my head

Kelly nodded "Yep, I even had to lie and say I was algeric to there fur"

"Puppies aren't that bad" Reachel defended rolling her eyes at Kelly

"Those things may seem cute but not when they leave they shit everywhere" Kelly said and I nodded in agreement

"Whatever, I think after I leave the therapy rehab, I'm going to adopt one" Reachel said with determination written on her face

"Never come to my house with that thing" Kelly said walking out the kitchen

Reachel and I both chuckled as she retreated.

After we finished washing the dishes we decided to go swimming. Kelly though didn't want to go swimming so it was Reachel and I. We both quickly changed into our swimming suits. I had to borrow Reachel a swim suit because she hadn't brought one over not knowing she was actually coming to the vacation house. Apparently Nick had surprised her this morning saying she was coming with her.

I wore my black swim suit and gave Reachel the red one.

"You wanna race to the water?" She asked already running

"Cheater!" I shouted running after her

When we reached the pool we both did a cannonball. I came back up wiping the water off my face. I swam over to the edge and catched my breath. All that running made me tired.

Reachel soon joined.

"I haven't had this much fun in ages" she said breathing heavily

I nodded "With all that's happened, that's no surprise"

We stayed silent for a long while just letting our minds run wild and trying to catch our breaths. Alot has truly happened the past three months. I was still working at the wedding polar and so was Jim and Kelly. Though we just found out that Miss Trina was being abused by her husband and she's finally getting a divorce.

It all made sense to us why she was always angry and she looked lonely though she was married. Now that she was finally divorcing her husband she seemed much happier and nicer. The whole team even got bonuses this month.

And as for Jennifer. We haven't heard from her at all. She left for Toronto a week ago. Adrian's mom was devasted to see that she was giving up on her son. And I was finally relieved.

"So besides the therapy rehab center what has got you accupied?" I asked Reachel

She tilted her head to the side taking a moment to think "Well my dad was coming by a lot" she said biting on her lip "His still insisting that I drop the charges"

"Even after three months?"

She nodded "Yep. I don't even get what was special about that guy, his just a fucking idiot who couldn't control his alcohol and it resulted to him ruining my life" she said looking away for a second before looking back at me

Sure Reachel was kinda back to normal but I could see she hasn't fully recovered. But then again, do we ever recover from a trauma like that. What to happened her probably will leave a mark that she can't erase even if she tried to. And every time somone touched her with pleasure she will remember that night. Every time she wants to do it, she won't be able to because that night will haunt her, every single day she lives.

I sighed and pulled her into a hug.

"What's this for?" she asked

"Nothing. Just missed having you around and hugging you whenever I felt like it"

She chuckled "I'll be back in two months, and you could then hug me every day you see me"

I pulled away from the hug "Won't you then get tired of my hugs"

She shaked her head "I would never"

I splashed her with the water "How about now?"

She narrowed her eyes at me before swimming after me.

Reachel and I splashed each other and did challenges like who could stay under the water the longest.

And I won every time :)

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