Chapter 10 : Old Friends

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I woke up with my head aching. It was pounding.

My phone started ringing and Reachel's name popped up on my screen.

I didn't bother answering it as soon as her name popped up I remembered walking in here with her sucking my brother's face.

I shivered in disgust at the thought.

I tried remembering yesterday's events and I only remember until walking up to my room after seeing them making out.

I stood up and splashed my face with water. I made my way downstairs and I saw Daniel and Nick talking.

"Oh, hey Daniel" I mumbled turning the coffee machine on.

"You look horrible" Daniel said drinking his coffee.

"Thanks that's so comforting" I rolled my eyes.

Nick cleared his throat "I think your not bad for a person who drank a whole bottle of Gin"

I sighed and took my coffee "I'll see you later Daniel I'm going to work"

"Sarah!" Nick shouted running up the stairs "Just talk to me for second!"

I stopped and turned to look at him.

"Thanks, jeez. Listen I would appreciate it if you could stop ignoring me"

I shrugged "Okay"

He raised his eyebrow "really? That quickly?"

I nodded and kept walking. The last thing I needed was to have some petty fight with Nick and then ignore him. Sure I hated the idea of him and Reachel but ignoring him wouldn't make it any better.

After I was done showering I wore a demin skirt and a black top.

(This is what Sarah is wearing

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(This is what Sarah is wearing. Cute I know)

I made my way downstairs and Reachel was there. She was busy talking to Nick. They seem like they were arguing.

I cleared my throat when they didn't notice me.

Reachel stood up and made her way to me. She smiled "Need a ride?"

"No actually, I already called a cab"

"Sarah can we just -"

A beep came from outside and I already knew the cab I called was already here "I have to go. Though now you to can continue what I interrupted"

I rushed out the door and as I was making my way to the elevator I saw Miss Shannon sweeping. She looked at me and back down. I remember what I said yesterday and even though I meant it I know I hurt her. And as much as she annoyed me I knew better then to hurt old people who care.

"Hey Miss Shannon" I said.

She didn't even bother looking at me.

I sighed "I'm sorry about yesterday and to make it up to you-" I scratched inside my purse and took out a batch of cookies "here I made them for you"

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