Chapter 11

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"I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible, and when I leave, you will finally understand why storms are named after people."

Author's pov

"Why did this happen?" Your tone is void of emotions as you stare at the dark canvas hung up on the wall.

But nothing was darker than your heart at the moment.

The guy in front of you with a high schooler face, having been trading information to you about much needed things, was currently the highest form of annoyance you've ever had in your life after Wang Jackson who ate rice without sharing.

"Months of careful planning and this shit happens right at my face," your jaw clenched, eyes closing shut in frustration for a moment before you turned around, your black overcoat swaying as you did.

"We almost accomplished-"

"Almost!" Blaring voice echoed within the fortification of your voice, making the spy in front of you visibly tremble, followed by the sound of glass shattering.

The woman sitting on the couch across you brushed the pieces of glass off her palm, blood trickling down her fingertips as she stood up abruptly.

"Get this through your freakin' head, motherf-er," Her boots clanked against the carpeted floor as she walked forward, her voice eerily calm. "There is no 'almost' in this business. Either you bring in the corpse or you go out as one."

She grabbed his face in her tatted hand, prompting him to stare back at her with eyes wide like saucers.

Now, all your spies were trained for everything. Except for facing the wrath of the two they worked for.

Spooks, secret agents, case officers, operatives, intelligent assets- to gather information on foreign governments or their own people in secret, a practice known as espionage.

And it's not just governments that hire these professional snoops.

Agents try to sniff out secret information for military organizations and private companies- a special sort of spying called corporate espionage.

It's not a new job. Ancient Egypt hired spies to keep an eye on its enemies.

And it's hardly part time work.

Your spies keep busy in times of war and peace, working under a 'cover identity' twenty four hours a day when they're in the field.

They might do it for the money, love for one, or hatred for the other, but you have one thing in common.

Your life was full of lies.

He felt like he was drowning. A situation where he felt like it, wanting to put his feet on the floor but he can't and the water's much deeper than he thinks. And so he proceeds to speak, anything to save his life at the moment. "The next break-in will be-"

The rest of his words about the next one being successful fell in deaf ears, an amused yet annoyed look on her face as she was about to reach for her gun holster.

A bullet passed right past the side of his ear, scraping it just a bit, before hitting a portrait on the wall much behind.

The silence that followed was dramatic, with your spy thinking that he was dead. Until, he felt his face being released from a death grip.

"That's enough, Riri," you said, placing your gun back on the table, walking towards her and the man. "Sweetie, I'm gonna need you to put those remaining brain cells together and work with me here, okay?"

With that, he opened his eyes, breathing shakily, looking around aimlessly and ignoring the pain in his ear, just glad to be alive, before nodding his head as a yes in response.

"Good," you smiled approvingly before pulling Rihanna back by her waist, earning an eye roll. "So in the next three days, I need said documents and a plane ticket for you to go home. And without answering, just get out."

You watched as he stepped back first, mentally debating which way he should turn before falling back on the carpet, entertaining you as he scrambled out of the room.

"Oh boy, you have so much left to learn don't you now?" Rihanna's mood greatly improved now that you stood beside her, agreeing to her rhetorical question. "You missed his eye."

She noted. Either that, or you wanted him alive.

"Darling, you think that I'd ever miss a target? I decided to let him go and so he just got lucky," you said, walking her back to the couch, avoiding the broken pieces of whiskey glass she just shattered in her grip.

"And you want my attention so much, don't you?" You added, grabbing the first aid kit from the draw beside to treat her cuts. "Plus, is it legal for someone to always have this much attention from me?"

"Completely legal," she replied, long after, while you were bandaging her hand, making a mental reminder to bring in a doctor alive later. "Until you get me involved."

A smile came over you, suddenly feeling playful as your free hand, the one that wasn't holding hers, moved to cup her cheek.

"I'll give you something. You can give it back to me if you don't like it," your smile just gets brighter as she swats your hand away.

Placing a kiss on the hollow of her temple, you stood up, getting hold of the Jack Daniels and a glass.

Rihanna's eyes narrowed at you, trying to read through your mind. She practically knows you like the back of her hand, if not, even better.

Yet at that moment, she couldn't decipher the way you were handling things, so unlike you, making her wonder if it had something to do with him returning. Wondering if your heart had gone soft for him.

"What do we do now?" She questioned, leaning back as she watched you pause on your sip.

Staring at her, you downed the glass, pretending to think for a moment.

"Those documents are what you need to find Ara," she recalled and you took slow steps towards your table. "And for that, your plans to break into the most secure facility on the planet just failed."

You did not struggle for the right words to answer. "Don't you know, Riri?" You asked back, smiling, half-sardonic, half-secretive, like the fate of the world depends on the answer to a riddle only you know and would never share. "When my plan fails, my game begins."

Sweet Lies (A Jungkook FF) [Sequel to The Cold CEO]Where stories live. Discover now