Chapter 1: Vince McMahon POV

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Why is no one getting along any more? Everyone use to get along before I put Hunter and Stephanie in charge. Now no one can get along with one another. What should I do?

My door flung open. Seth ran in hiding from Dean. I just shook my head. He ended up leaving with out saying a word.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Seth and Dean use to be like brothers. They were always together. And now, now anytime Dean sees Seth he wants to tear him limb from limb. What do I need to do?

I know, I called a private number.

"Hey, you know that island of mine?......Yes that one....Well this is what I need. I need a plane. A big one. My wrestlers are going to take time off to get along with one another again....Yes by going to the island by themselves....I figure if they don't kill each other first, they will learn to survive with one another. They will learn to trust again. And they may become friends again....Normally I don't but this has gotten on our of control....Thanks. I owe you."

I hung up. Now it's all set. Hopefully what happened last time, won't happen again.
What do you think Vince was talking about? What happened at the island? Why does he even have an island? Who was it he called?

Sorry that this is a very short chapter. But this is only to show you guys what was going on in Vince's mind. I still hop you guys liked it. I'll try to update more later on.

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