Chapter 16: Layla

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"Are you sure about this?" Alicia asked me.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

"Because, this isn't the brightest idea ever."

"Think about it. We could be heroes. We could capture the killer."

"Layla, I don't know if you have noticed, but you are a girl. Every guy on this island is stronger than you. Look at Dolph. Look at Wade. Do you honestly think you could stop whoever?"

"No. But if you help-"

"No. Why would I help you. I can't stand you. Plus, I will not die for the people on this island. If you want to, go right ahead. But you will do it without me."

"Oh come on Alicia. What happened to the girl I use to be friends with? The one who would do anything that was daring and adventurous."

"She grew up. Okay? I'm not stupid Layla. If you want to be stupid you can go ahead and go in the forest. I'm not going to stop you. In fact, I'll walk away and act like I never saw you."

"Whatever. When I get all the glory for capturing the killer, I'll tell you I told you so."

Alicia rolled her eyes and walked away. I turned toward the path in the woods. I took a deep breath and let it out. Then walked into the woods. This wasn't so scary. I walked deeper and deeper into the woods. There was nothing. No noise. Not even an animal. Although, I don't think there are animals on this island anyway.

I kept walking and walking for what felt like an eternity. Nothing happened. I laughed.

"There is nothing scary out here." I said and then turned back around. I started walking out of the woods.

When I got out I again started laughing. Everyone that was outside came over to check on me.

"Why did you go in there?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Did you see anyone?"

Everyone started asking me questions and those where the only ones I heard.

"Nobody is in there." I said.

"How do you know? How do you know that whoever it is just didn't want to kill you?"

"If someone is really on the island trying to kill us, don't you think they would have killed me if they seen me?"

I walked off into the house. Alicia was comforting Tatiana. Poor baby. I rolled my eyes. She never had a chance with him anyway. Unfortunately Alicia saw me.

"Do you have something to say Layla?"

"Oh nothing. You wouldn't like what I have to say."

"And what would that be?" Alicia asked getting up. Some other Divas and Superstars started to come out of their rooms.

"Fine, but only because you asked. She is being a baby. Wade never liked her. In fact, Wade never like you. And you are going to comfort a girl who tried to take Wade from you. And Wade still broke up with you and still wouldn't date her. And now, he is dead. And you have the nerve to comfort someone who is mourning a death of someone the stalked."

"You know what Layla?"

"What Alicia? What?"

She started smiling.

"Nothing. Go where ever it was you were going to go to and leave us alone. If not, you will regret it."

"Ohhh. I'm so scared." I said sarcastically.

"Layla, you are this close to me ripping your head off. Now go."

I smiled and walked away. I knew Alicia wouldn't do anything. She isn't that stupid. I went into my room that I unfortunately have to share with Alicia. But luckily she may not be in here for a while. I lock the door and plugged in the radio. Of course no station worked. So I put in my Katy Perry CD and turned it up all the way. People banged on my door and yelled something but I'm not sure what, nor did I care. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes.

After a couple of songs I opened my eyes and someone had turned off the lights. Right befor I got up I felt a hand around my neck and they pushed me back down. I tried to get the hand off my neck so I could breath. But now use. I couldn't scream I couldn't make any noise. They finally let go and I started coughing.

Then, I felt something soft over my face held down by two hands. I couldn't make any noise. I kept trying to get away but the person was too strong. It was getting harder for me to breath. I couldn't even gasp for air. My arms and legs stopped moving. I didn't have any energy to fight back. The last thing I heard was the sound of faint laughing.
Who do you think killed Layla and why? Who do you think will find her? Who will die next? Will the killer leave any clues? First death inside the house. What do you think about that?

I hope you guys liked. And again, sorry for the long wait. Sometimes WiFi works, other times, not so much. So please be patient. With all the storms moving in where I am, it may be messed up for a while.

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