Chapter 23: AJ's POV

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"Do you think we will ever figure out the killers?" Paige asked me.

"I hope we do. And I hope we find out why they are doing it. I bet the guy is probably forcing the girl to do it." I responded.

"Maybe. I just hope we find out quick."

"Me too. I just want to protect Austin right now. I can't let anything happen to him right now."

"I know what you mean. I would 've devastated if anything ever happened to someone in my family, especially if I was with them."

"Exactly. So I'm just going to focus on Austin for now. Until Mr. McMahon comes back."

"Do you think we will be safe until then?"

"I hope so Paige."

"Well I'm going to bed. Night AJ."

"Night Paige." Paige rolled over and went to bed. But I couldn't sleep.

I couldn't stop think of Austin. I needed to keep my brother safe. Why couldn't he just wait until I got back? Then he would be safe. By the time I finally figured I would go to sleep, I looked at the clock. It was 8 in the morning. Oh great. I got out of bed and went into the living room. No one was up. I just sat down and did nothing. That was until Seth came out. I can tell he had been crying.

"Seth, are you okay?"

"What? Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"It looks like you've been crying. What's wrong."

"It's Violet."

"Is she okay?" I asked, kind of worried.

"Yeah. She is okay. I just want it to stay that way."

"Seth, just tell her how you feel."

"I've tried. She said she can't keep doing this. I don't know what to do any more."

"Just try talking to her again. Don't give up on here. She probably had a lot on her mind. I mean both of her room mates are gone. She has no friends anymore since Layla died and Brie is missing. She is terrified."

"Maybe you are right."

"I know I am."

After Seth and I started talking more, more and more people were getting up. Nikki offered to cook breakfast for everyone. We could tell she was just trying to get away from a lot of people. Austin sat beside me. I was determined to keep him safe.

As the day went on nothing actually happened. Everyone pretty much stayed together. That way, no one else would die.

But something happend. We heard screaming. We all ran outside. We hears screaming again. It sounded like Brie. We had no choice but to go find her. Austin was the fastest one on the island. So he was always in front. He wouldn't listen when I told him to slow down. He stayed in front of everyone. We seen him Falk and hears him scream. He stepped in a huge bear trap. Everyone tried getting it off of him. It wasn't working.

"Austin. You're gonna be okay. I promise. Don't worry about it." I said crying.

"AJ. Don't worry about me. Go...find...Brie and...Daniel."

"But Austin, I can't leave you here like this. What if you-"

"AJ. I okay....just... jus...go."

I didn't want to leave him. But they wouldn't let me. Roman grabbed me and tried to drag me. I started kicking and screaming. I didn't want to leave my brother. This better be worth it.
Sorry there isn't much in here. My phone is almost dead. And I'm running out of data. So I wanted to just add a little something.

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