Chapter 6: Eva Marie's POV

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Why the hell am I stuck with these two? I hate Summer. Violet, she isn't bad. But she hates Summer too. We both have something in common but I don't like anyone here.

It was in the middle of the night. And Summer and Violet were asleep. I decided to get up, grab a flashlight, and go outside. I at least wanted to embrace the beauty on the island. I walked along the water and noticed a trail on the woods. So I became curious and went through the trail. I had hoped to find something beautiful. But only trees were surrounding me.

I heard what I thought to be someone behind me. I turn to look and see nobody. I turn around again and keep walking. I get farther and farther into the woods. Again I heard someone behind me so I turn around but again, no one was there. I turn around to continue on the trail but I see a manly figure from a distance with something in his hands. It looked like a bow and arrow but I wasn't sticking around to find out. I ran the other way. I kept running and running and running. It seemed like I was deeper into the woods. I stopped beside a tree. I looked around and no one was there. I turned back toward the way I was running. I didn't move though. I seen another figure but it wasn't a manly one. I wanted to scream but I was afraid to.

I hear a noise beside me that sounded like something was shot toward me. I look to the tree I was at and noticed an arrow. I turn around, that manly figure was back and tried shooting me. I ran to my left. Hoping I could lose them.

What are these people doing? Who are they? Why were they here?

I stopped by another tree. I put my back against it and slid down. I cried to myself. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't die. I needed to make it back.

Another arrow was shot toward me. It missed again. It went right above my head. This person as bad aim. But I wasn't going to risk anything. I got up and ran again. This is I wouldn't stop. I would keep running until I couldn't anymore.

Or so I thought. As I was running and running I felt a sudden sharp pain in my ankle and fell down. I looked and noticed my foot was in a bear trap. I cried out in pain. I tried to get my leg out of the trap but I couldn't. I was to weak. All I could do was scream and cry out.

I seen the two figures again. They got closer and closer. I tried moving back but I couldn't. As the figures got closer and closer I noticed who they were.

"No. No. No. No." Was all I could say. Why where they doing this?

One had a knife. I screamed out. But no use. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. They stabbed me. I screamed out. One took the knife out of me. This was the worst pain I've ever experienced. I looked to them. They both had knives. They raised them up at the same time. One looked like it would come down on my face. The other, my chest. I screamed as they came down with the knives.
Eva is dead!?!?! There are two killers?!?! So tell me what you think. Who are the killers? Who will be the next victim?

Let me know if you liked it. Done kills may be in the killers POV but of course they will not give their names lol.

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