Chapter 12: Seth's POV

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I looked over to John and Daniel because they were talking and I thought I heard my name. I just ignored it though. I'd rather not get fired for fighting. Bray was yelling. I couldn't understand what he was saying though. I looked to him, he was running in the water in a hurry. I looked to where Summer was, she wasn't there.

"SUMMER?!" I yelled. Bray turned back to me.


Bray kept running. My eyes opened wide. I started running in the water as well. John did too. Daniel ran into the house. I swam under the water to see if I could see her, but the water was burning my eyes. The water started to get darker and warmer. I swam up for air. John went under to try to find her. After I caught my breath I went under to help John.

I tried keeping my eyes opened but I couldn't for very long. When I did open my eyes, I seen John, going back up with someone in his arms. I went up as well. He had Summer. He swam with her in his arms until they got to Bray. Bray grabbed her and ran back to shore. They laid her down. John and I quickly got back to shore. Randy started doing mouth to mouth, hoping she will be okay.

After a couple of tries, Summer started coughing.

"Go get a towel, someone." Stephanie said. Brie ran to the house and returned quickly with a towel.

Summer was too weak to get up so Randy put the towel around her.

"We need to get her back into the house. You guys too. You guys need to get warm again. Come on." Stephanie said.

Randy was going to pick Summer up but I told him I would do it. I picked her up and carried her bridal style into the house. I went to her room and laid her on her bed. She had a stab wound on her shoulder. No wonder she couldn't swim back up. She couldn't move her arm. Summer couldn't talk. She didn't have the energy. She didn't even have the energy to move her head. She just stared at me. She looked so hopeless.

"I have the first aid kit." Brie said. I jumped up. She kinda scared me. I didn't know she was there.

"You know first aid?"

"A little." She walked over and opened the kit.

She took out some things, she acted like I knew what they were.

"First, I have to disinfect her wound, just to make sure the bacteria and stuff are gone." She started putting stuff on the wound. Summer had tears rolling down her face.

"Is it suppose to hurt her?" I asked worryingly.

"Have you never had a cut disinfected?"

"Not really."

"Well, yes. It is suppose to sting. Its like getting salt on an opened wound. But this will help the wound heal and not get infected."

"Well what do you have to do next?"

"Well, I have to stitch her up. Then bandage her arm."

"Aren't you going to numb her arm or something?"

"Seth, this is a first aid kit. Not a doctors office in a box. Leave. Let me do this without a thousands questions."


"Seth, leave."

I left the room. Not before looking back at Brie and Summer. I was always mean to her. Now she may die. I can't apologize to her if she is dead.

I went into the living room. John and Bray had different clothes on. I still had my wet ones on. Everyone looked at me. I just kept walking. I went into my room. I changed and laid down. I wanted to cry but I knew Dean could come in at anytime. Which, he did. Roman too.

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