Chapter 27: Vince's POV

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(This will be kinda short. Its just kinda to introduce two new people. And it takes place while something else is happening on the island. Oh and also, the next chapter will be the last chapter)

It was about time for me to go back and get everyone. I didn't want to go alone. So I was bringing some people with me. One was a new Diva. Named Rachelle. Another was a former diva who was now my assistant named Blue. I called them both to my office. They arrived around the same time.

"Have a seat. I want to talk to you two."

"About what sir?" Blue asked.

"You know how I sent some wrestlers to my island?" They nodded their heads. "Today I am going back to get them. And you both have worked very hard. I was hoping you two would come with me. Like a vacation."

"Of course we will go. It would be our pleasure."

××Skipping to when they get to the boat.××

We got on the boat and we left. The wind was nice. Blue and Rachelle was talking about Randy and Dean. They were arguing about who was cuter. Rachelle said Randy. Blue said Dean. Wait, why am I even listening to their conversation. I couldn't care care less who was cuter.

We were almost to the island. I couldn't wait to see the progress that everyone has made. Hopefully no one will try to throw anyone off of my boat on the way back.

We finally got close to the island. But what I saw, left me in shock. I had to figure out what was going on.
The next chapter won't start where this ended. And again, it will be in multiple people's POV. Well mostly Brie and Nikki. It will go from Brie then to Nikki. That's pretty much all. Plus the last chapter, which again the last chapter of the book, will have a little twist.

And I wish people will stop telling me not to kill Roman and to kill Seth. I've had like 20 people tell me that. No one knows if i will kill Dean and let Roman and Seth live. Or if I'm going to kill Seth and let Roman and Dean live. I drew out the names of the people who were going to die. I'm not going to change it. I get a lot of people don't like Seth, but if I didn't draw his name, that means he will live. Only I know which two of the three, Dean Roman or Seth, will live. No one is going to change it. And FYI, a lot of people may get really mad at me next chapter. But oh well. It's just a book.

And, if you already think you know the female killer, please don't comment her name. Message me who you think it is and I'll tell you if you are right or not. I will reveal the female killer next chapter, obviously, and why she did what she did and why she is after Brie Bella. Also, I will reveal how she got Luke on her side.

Oh and I may make a second book to this and it will have a lot of twists. But I'm definitely going to make another book like this, just a different scenario, and different killers.

Anyway, I hope to have to last chapter up very soon. Thanks for reading.

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