Chapter 22: Brie's POV

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(Spoiler: This is to show the male killer, I won't directly say his name, but you should figure it out. If not, let me know and I'll tell you the male killer. I will NOT give the female killer until the end of the book.)

I finally got to the cabin. Hopefully no one from the house followed me. I couldn't risk Daniels life. I opened the door and entered. No one was in there. I searched all over for some thing. Anything that may tell me where Daniel was. I wasn't even sure if Daniel was here. They never said anything about them having Daniel. They just said he would die next if I didn't come. For all I know, he could be at the house asleep. Or looking for me. For his sake, I hope he is asleep.

I was just walking back and fourth to figure out everything, since I wasn't going to leave until they came back. But I couldn't figure out why they were doing this.

While pacing back and fourth the door opened. I jumped and looked toward him.

"What a pleasant surprise that you actually came. She didn't think you would, but I knew you would."

"Where is Daniel?"

"Daniel, lets see. What did we do with him?"

"This isn't a joke! This isn't funny! Why are you doing this?"

"Because she told me to. She has a real gift to make people listen to her."

"You don't have to be a killer."

"Actually, I do. Because I've already killed so many. So I might as well continue."

"Who all have you killed?"

"Well we both killed Eva. She killed Dolph. I tried to kill Summer. She finished the job though. I ultimately killed Wade. She killed Stephanie but I cut her up and placed her under Layla's bed. And you were right. We were going to frame her but she came back earlier so I had no choice but to kill her. And I just killed Emily."

"Yo-you killed Emily?" I said with a tear in my eye.

"She cheated. She was going to stay alive until we got rescued. But she cheated on me. So I killed her."

"Did they find my note?"

"Oh yes. The note. You are smarter than what I give you credit for. I'll give you that. Jessica thought she knew.


"The male killer is Eric." Jessica said. I laughed in my head. She thinks Erick is the killer? Erick didn't date Emily.

Apparently every one else thought that was ridiculous. Everyone else laughed as well.

"You expect us to believe that Erick was Emily's boyfriend?" Roman said, "No offense Erick."

"None taken. I would never date Emily. Not my type."

"But you told me yo-"

"No I didn't." Erick cut her off.

"Maybe you are the real killer." Nikki said toward Jessica.

"Yeah, you were quick to say that Erick was the killer." Paige said.

"But you guys have-"

"Jessica, no. Now I don't believe you are the Killer, but I don't believe Erick dated Emily. Now he may or may not be the killer, but you can't expect anyone to believe you." Hunter said.

While Hunter is trying to talk to Jessica, I look over to her. She gave me a hand signal for me to kill her. I nodded.

Hunter ordered everyone out and to go to their rooms. He said we will look for Brie and Daniel later. Erick, Bray, and I shared a room but Hunter moved Bray into a different room. Erick and I played down in our room.

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