Chapter 17: Nikki's POV

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"LAYLA! COME ON! OPEN UP THE DOOR!" I tried to scream over the loud music. I couldn't hear any other noise. Just the music. "COME ON! ALICIA HAS SOMETHING TO GET FROM IN THERE! NOW OPEN UP!"

"Is still not opening the door?" Alicia came beside me and asked.

"No and Stephanie said some of the keys went missing the other day. And this door happened to be one of those keys that went missing."

"Then we have no choice but break it down."

"Neither of us can break it down. We have to get a guy."

"How about John?"

"Yeah, he is strong. I'll go get him."

I ran to John's room and knocked on the door. Randy opened the door.

"Hey Nikki. What do you want?"

"John. Is he in there?"

Randy nodded his head and moved out of the view so I could see John. He was sitting on his bed looking at a picture. I walked in and stood beside his bed.

"What are you looking at?" I asked.

He quickly put the picture under his pillow and turned to me.

"Nothing, just an old picture. What do you want babe?"

I was confused. It was just a picture. Was he hiding something from me?

"Right, well Alicia needs something out of her room but Layla locked the door and her music is so loud I don't think she can hear us."

"I wish I could. I do. But I was actually about to go do something. Have Randy help you." John points to Randy who shrugs his shoulders.

"Umm. Okay. What is it that you are doing exactly?"

"Please Nikki, don't worry about it. I'll see you later." He kissed my cheek and walked out.

I looked to Randy who again shrugged his shoulders.

"He has been acting weird for a couple of days. Not too sure what is wrong with him."

"Oh." I looked down to the ground.

"Hey, don't worry. I'll help you out. Lets go. You will have to show me her room."

"You can't miss it. Once you pass a door that sounds like you will be deaf when you pass it, that's it."

Randy nodded his head and walked out. I followed. He seen Alicia and she pointed at the door. Randy nodded and tried breaking down the door. It only took him three tries before he managed to break the whole door off its hinges.

Randy froze. He didn't move, I don't even think he was breathing. Alicia looked in the room before I did. She screamed. She was louder than the music. Randy ran and turned off the radio and everyone gathered in front of the door. I peaked in before everyone rushed in.

Layla. Her body was on her bed. But her head wasn't attached. Her head was attached to a string, attached to the ceiling fan.

I heard a lot of girls behind me screaming and I think some of them puked. The guys too. I wanted to, but like Randy, I couldn't move. Not even an inch. Brie made her way through the door.

"Oh my gosh." She said. "How?" She asked.

"How what?"

"If Layla had the door locked, how did someone get in here?" I hate to admit it but she was right. Layla had the door locked the whole time. Wait, the missing key.

"Stephanie and I were talking and she had said some of the keys went missing, and this room was one of those that had the keys taken."

"But something still isn't adding up. No killer would unlock the door and then lock it back to kill someone."

"Which means someone was in here before Layla came in here." Alicia said.

"But then why would they take keys to rooms if they weren't going to unlock the door to kill someone?" I heard someone ask. I couldn't tell who.

"Just in case. I mean everyone knows Layla locks any door to any room she is in. Maybe, whoever the killer is knew that if they took the key then no one could walk in on them killing her." Brie said.

"Then how did the killer get out of the room if they wouldn't go out the door?" Randy asked.

I point at the window that was opened. "That's how. I know Layla and she never stays in a room with a window opened."

"Maybe the killer left a clue. Lets look around." Brie said.

"Are you crazy?!" Alicia asked Brie.

"We have to. Maybe they left something that shows us who the killer really is. We can't have anymore deaths." Brie said.

"I can't believe I am saying this but Brie is right. We have to look around. We have to figure out who is doing all of this." I said. Brie smiled at me. "Don't get use to me telling you that you are right." Her smile faded and I developed a smile.

Almost everyone looked around. Others still stood by the door. Brie was looking around and under Layla's bed. Randy was looking in the night stand in between the beds. Hunter was looking around Alicia's bed. I was looking in the closet. Maybe they hide in the closet so Layla didn't notice the killer.

I did notice a pair of scissors on the floor and all of Layla's clothes where cut up.

"Alicia, did you cut Layla's clothes?" I asked.

"No. Why?"

"Because all of her clothes are cut up. I thought that question was pretty self explanatory."

"So now you are going to get smart? Really Nikki?" Brie said.

I just ignored her and rolled my eyes. I picked up the pair of scissors. "What am I suppose to do with these?"

"Just put them on the table right there." Brie said. So that is what I did. Even though I hate taking orders from her.

Brie got on her hands and knees to check under the bed. She screamed and went backwards.

"What?" Everyone asked her.

She couldn't say anything. She just pointed under the bed. Hunter got down to look. He quickly got up. He sat on the bed and put his head in his hands. He started crying. Everyone surrounded him, afraid to look under the bed. When I looked around I noticed only two people weren't in here. John and Stephanie. But no, it can't be Stephanie. I was talking with her earlier.

"Hunter? What is it?" Randy tried to get him to talk. When that didn't work he turned to Brie, now being held my her troll of a husband. "Brie, what is wrong?" She pointed under the bed.

I got down along with Randy. Just to figure out what was happening since no one would tell us. When we looked,my eyes widened with fear. It was Stephanie. She was in pieces. In her left hand was a knife, covered in blood. He eyes were also wide opened so was her mouth. Almost like she was screaming before she died. A tear came to my eyes. Hunter ran out of the room. Randy and I got up. Some people went after Hunter to make sure he didn't do anything stupid.

"How did this happen? I never even noticed she was missing." Randy said, wiping a tear from his face.

"She was fine this morning. I was talking to her." I said.

"Why under Layla's bed though?" Randy asked.

"I think we have this all wrong." Brie said.

"What?" Randy asked her.

"Maybe the killer wasn't in here to kill Layla. The killer was in here to frame Layla."


Sorry if this chapter is spaced weird. I don't know what is wrong with my Wattpad app right now.

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