Chapter 26: Multiple People's POV

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Luke's POV
She wanted me to kill Bray. I couldn't. I know he liked Erick more than me but he was still my family. But I didn't want her to kill him and me. So I had no choice. But I would do it my own way. On my own time. When that will be, I don't know. But now it's time to check on Daniel and Brie.

Brie's POV
Daniel was laid out on the floor. I was tied to a chair. Daniel was still breathing but I knew he was in pain.

"Daniel?" I quietly said, in case Luke was around the cabin. "Daniel?" I said louder. He moved a little but but then stopped. "Daniel!?" I screamed. He lifted his head slowly. Blood was dripping down his head. "Daniel, are you okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry about me. I'll be okay."

"But Dan-" the door flung open. It was Luke. He looked upset and angry. I didn't say a word. Neither did Daniel. We hoped he would do anything.

But unfortunately, he did. He grabbed Daniel by the hair and yanked him up on his feet. He then threw Daniel into the wall. I screamed. Luke grabbed his throat and started choking him. "STOP IT!" I screamed. Luke stopped but he threw Daniel in the ground. Luke got on top of Daniel and started pounding his head into the floor. I kept screaming because that was all I could do. When I started to see blood coming out of the back of Daniels head I started screaming more and crying. Luke started punching Daniel. I continued to scream and cry. Luke finally got up. I didn't see Daniel breathing. Luke killed him. He beat my husband to death. "NO! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Instead of answering me he came over to me and slapped me so hard that I feel over while still tied to the chair.

"This is all your fault." He said through his teeth. It was like he wanted to cry. "Thanks to you I have to kill Bray!" He said and he walked out. I sobbed loudly. He killed my husband and blamed it on me. I had to get out of this.

Lana's POV
I was sitting in my room, alone. Since my Tatianna was killed. All of my friends were pretty much killed. But on the other hand, I didn't like most of them anyway.

I got up from my bed and walked to Tatiana's clothes. We were the same size. I might as well take her clothes. Wouldn't want her clothes to go to waste.

I went through her clothes. None of them were even worth wearing. They were all ugly. I got a pair of scissors and started cutting some of them. The door opened.

"Can I help?" She asked.

"Yeah sure. There is an extra pair of scissors on that desk over there." I watched as she walked over to the desk. After she picks them up I turned back to the clothes. I continued to cut them.

I heard walking toward the bed but then she stopped and I didn't see her. I turned around and she was behind me.

"What are you do-" I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked down, it was the scissors she had. I tried screaming but nothing ever came out. I heard her laugh.

My legs started to grow weak and I fell over. I saw her walking away, still laughing.
Next chapter will be very short. Its Vince's POV and it will be placed at the headquarters. I will also include 2 new characters.

*Still living*
(2 created characters)

So this book is almost over. Just a couple of more chapters til it is officially OVER! And every one will find out who the female killer is and why she is doing this.

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