Chapter 18: Austin Lee's POV

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*Back at WWE Headquarters*

I was searching all around for Mr. McMahon. There was no sign of him. He wasn't even in hi a office. I had to find him. I had to get my sister off of that island. I went down a hallway the bathrooms were located and searched around there. No luck. I went to the hall with the vending machines. Still, no luck. Where was he? He was never around when I needed him.

"What are you doing?" A voice from right behind me said, making me jump forward. I turned around, it was Mr. McMahon.

"I've been looking all over for you. Where we're you?"

"That, Mr. Lee, is none of your business. Now why were you looking for me?"

"I have to talk to you about my sister sir."

"Ah, yes. AJ, she is on my private island you know."

"Yes sir, I know. But you see the thing is, she has to get off of the island."

"I'm afraid that is impossible Austin. You see, until I think they all have gotten along with each other they cannot get off."

"But sir, you don't-"

"Now, Austin. Please, if we must talk about this, lets talk about it in my office." Mr. McMahon walked past me to go to his office and I followed. "But I will tell you this, you probably won't chance my mind on this. She needs this experience. They all do."

"Yes Mr. McMahon, I understand but-"

"No. We are not in my office yet."

What? Really? He is going to talk about how they need the experience but he won't let me talk about why my sister needs to get off of the island?!? I had to be cool. He was my boss. I could jeopardize it.

"You know. This isn't the first time I sent people my island. I've done it plenty of times before. Everyone came back in one piece and they all got along again. Well almost everyone came back in one piece."

"Almost?" I asked, sounding over concerned.

"Yes, once, there was a couple of freak accidents and sadly some of my employees did not return."

"How many sir?"

"Maybe 10 or so."

10 or so?!? 1 or 2 or maybe even 3 are freak accidents. 10 is something else. We finally reached his office. He opened the do it and we both walked in. I shut it behind me.

"Now, Austin, what is it you would like to discuss with me?" He asked me as he sat at his desk.

"Well sir, AJ has to come back here. We have to go to Jersey."

"Why do you have to go?"

"It's a family emergency. Please sir, we have,to get there as soon as possible."

"What kind of family emergency?"

"Our Aunt. It's hard to explain but she may be dying."

"That is bad. So I'll tell you what I will do, I don't feel like going myself and getting her, so you will go?"

"Me?" I asked. "Are you sure?"

"Oh I am quite sure Mr. Lee. In fact, you will take my boat. I'll give you directions to the island."

"But sir, why do I have to go?"

"So you can explain to AJ yourself what is going on. I have a map, a GPS, and the directions are even wrote down. Although it isn't hard to get there, if you go the right way, you end up at the front of the island, where the house they are staying at. If you go the wrong way, you end up at the back of the island."

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