Chapter 20: Emily's POV

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"What do you think we should do?" I asked Roman. We were they only two still up. Everyone else was in their rooms.

"We can always play a game." Roman said.

"I know a game we could play. Truth or dare!"

"That's such a teenage game."

"Not the way I play. You see if you choose not to say the truth or not to do a dare or you cannot complete the dare, you must take off an article of clothing."

"Sexy, let's play."

"Great you go first." I told him.

"Ok. Truth or Dare Emily?"


"Alright, when was the last time you had sex with someone?" He asked with a smile.

"Last night." He lost his smile and I started laughing.

"Haha. Very funny."

"I know. But seriously the last time I had sex would probably have been like three or four months ago."

"That long without sex. Yeah right."

"Whatever, truth or dare Roman?"


"Lets see I dare you to lick your elbow."

"You know that is impossible."

"Yes I know." I said with an evil grin.

Roman didn't even attempt to do the dare. He just laughed a little then took off his shirt. I could help but stare at his body.

"Truth or dare?" He asked.

"Dare." I said without taking my eyes off of his body.

"I dare you to stop staring at my body."

I didn't even attempt to try that dare. I took my shirt off as well.

"Truth or dare?" I asked.


"Who do you have a crush on?"

Roman got up and pulled down his pants. Did he not want me to know? Was it me?

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare." I said.

"I dare you to let me touch you anywhere I want."

"Touch what ever you please."

His hand quickly found its way to my breasts. He was such a guy. Normally I wouldn't allow a guy to do this, but I like Roman. He can do anything.

"Roman, how long are you going to-" Roman cut me off by kissing me, while still rubbing my breasts. I put my hand over his boxers to feel him. Before we could do anything else, we got interrupted.

"You guys are suppose to be on guard." Nikki said, kind of laughing.

"We aren't. This isn't. I wasn't." I tried talking but I just couldn't spit anything out. I grabbed my shirt and ran into mine and Jessica's room.

"What's up with you? Why don't you have a shirt on?" She questioned me.

"Nothing. No reason at all." I quickly put my shirt back on. Jessica started laughing. "He is going to be so mad."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You and Roman. You have a boyfriend, who just happens to be on this island."

"Ho-how did you know about that?"

"Him and I are closer than you think. But don't worry, no one else knows."

"And it's going to stay that way."

"Whatever. I have watch duty now with Nikki. I'll be back later." She said as she exited the room.

I rolled my eyes. I ignored everything she said. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. I dreamt about Roman. I got woke up when the door flung opened and slammed shut. I figured some one made Jessica mad. I looked at the clock, it was two in the morning. I noticed that Jessica never went to her bed yet. I got up and walked toward the door to turn the light on. When I turned around someone was standing there. At first I could tell who it was because their back was toward me. Then he started talking.

"I trusted you Emily."

"What are you-"

"Don't play dumb. I saw you. You may not have seen me but I saw you. How could you?"

"Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't-"

He angrily turned around and put his hands around my neck.

"Don't give no apologies. You are not sorry." He said as I'm trying to fight out of his grasp. "You thought I would never find out. First you want to keep us a secret, then you cheat on me with Roman. How is that fair to me?"

He let me go and I fell to the floor, grasping for breath.

"I am sorry. I wasn't thinking. It won't happen again."

"You're damn right." He said as he came closer and kicked me. I couldn't even scream. He started banging my head to the floor. My head started to hurt more and more. When he stoped I was almost out of it. I felt him lift me up and place me on a bed. I don't think it was my bed because it was closer to the window, at least I think.

"I was going to keep you alive until you turned around and betrayed me. Now you have to pay, like everyone else."

I couldn't move a muscle. Normally I fight back, I couldn't now. I started to lose consciousness and everything was turning black. The last thing I heard was, "I love you Emily."
lovebites100 please don't hate me because your character is dead. Like I said before, I wrote down everyone's name, besides the killers, and put them in a bowl and I let my brother MichaelTaylor115 pick it. So blame my brother lol.

Anyway, so Emily was dating the male killer. But did she know she was dating a killer? Did he really see her and Roman or did Jessica tell him?

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