Chapter 14: Brie's Diary

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(This WILL be very short because it is just a diary entry. I'm not going to make it super long)

I cannot believe my sister!!! Sometimes she gets on my nerve! I say nothing about John but she has the nerve to talk SHIT about my husband?! Screw her. I just can't even believe her right now! I wish she would die sometimes. Just like she told me. I'm not her sister. She wishes I died in the womb so you know what? I wish whoever the killer is, would kill her next! I've tried to talk to her about everything but she will never listen. Stephanie actually got to her! All I've ever done was try to help her! In fact, instead of Nikki, I hope Stephanie is the next to die. She ruined EVERYTHING! I hope they both get what they deserve! Because Karma is a BITCH!!
Like I said, this is just a journal entry.

So Brie said she wants Nikki and Stephanie to die next. Do you think it will happen? If so, which one will die first.

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