Chapter 3: Dean Ambrose's POV

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I do not under any circumstances want to be in a room with Seth. I'll kill him. I don't understand why I have to leave in order to come to this stupid island. And why would anyone want to be stranded on an island?

I finally got all my stuff packed and went to the car and put my bags in it. I drove to the airport by myself because I wasn't driving anywhere with that bastard. So I left him. I don't know how he is getting to the airport but it won't be from me.

I pulled in the airport and walked in with my bags. Mostly everyone was here. Maybe I could catch a break and Seth wouldn't make it and he could get fired. Can always hope.

The only people that weren't here was Triple H, Stephanie, Seth (or course), Randy, and John. Everyone else was here. Even Vince. But he wasn't going. He just wanted to make sure everyone was here.

"Dean, you and Seth were suppose to come together. Where is he?"

"I don't know Mr. McMahon. He told me that he wasn't going so I left without him." Of course I lied. I hoped that we would leave without him. Mr. McMahon shook his head.

"If Seth, John, and Randy aren't here before Hunted and Stephanie get here they will be terminated."

Good. I don't want to be around Seth anymore. I'm tires of always almost going to jail for almost killing him.

While we wait my worst nightmare walks through the doors, Seth. He fucking cane with John and Randy. He charged after me but I was one step ahead him. I moved to the left. He tackled Bray instead. Bray and Seth started going at it. Everyone tried pulling them away from each other while I sat down laughing. I loved when I could hurt Seth without actually physically touching him.

"IF YOU DO NOT STOP NOW YOU WILL BE FIRED!" Stephanie yelled. When did she walk in?

Bray and Seth stopped fighting.

"We should get on bored before someone else starts to kill each other." Triple H said.

We all boarded the plane. We had to sit beside our 'pair'. Have I mentioned I hated Seth? It was the quietest trip I have ever taken. No one talked to anyone. So I feel asleep.
Again sorry for the short chapter. The next chapter will be on the island. I don't know who's POV it will be in quite yet.

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