Chapter 21: Jessica's POV

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"Isn't it suppose to be Paige and Luke's turn now?" I asked Nikki.

"Yeah. They should be in here soon. I hope anyway. I'm getting tired."

Soon Paige and Luke come from outside.

"Sorry we are late, we were just getting fresh air." Paige said wiping a tear from her face.

"What's wrong Paige." Nikki asked. Nikki didn't answer. "Luke what did you do to her?"

Before Luke could say anything Paige did, "Luke didn't do anything. I've just been thinking about everything."

"Everything will be alright Paige, I promise." I said.

"Well I'm sure you two are tired so you can go ahead and go to bed." Paige said.

Nikki and I both got up and headed to our rooms. Nikki unlocked her door with the key, but I left the key to this room in the room. Oh great. You see, the rooms that still have a key was given to the people in the rooms. That way no one can take them. I just left ours in the room. I knocked on the door. No answer. She is probably asleep. I turned the handle, hoping she didn't lock it. The door opened and I let out a sigh of relief. I walked in and the light was off.

I turned it on to find Emily sound asleep on my bed. Why was she on my bed? I walked over to her. She was facing away from me, on her side. I tried shaking her. She didn't wake. I looked down and noticed blood on my hands. I panicked. I screamed as loud as I could, making almost everyone wake up.

"What's wrong?" Hunter asked me.

I put up my hands and looked at Emily. Hunter flipped her over and pulled the covers off of her. Her insides where now on the outside.

Nikki ran up beside me and Hunter. "Oh my gosh, this was like overkill."

"Maybe the Killer had something against Emily." John said.

"Like what? Besides me, Emily had no enemies. Everyone loved her." I said with tears in my eyes. Emily use to be my best friend until I turned along with Seth. Now, now she hated me.

"I'll go get Brie. See what she thinks." Randy said.

We all just stared at Emily's body. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, cried. Until Randy ran back, then we had something else to worry about.

"Guys, we have a problem. Nikki, was Brie in the room when you went back?"

"Yeah. She was wide awake. She seemed worried. When I walked in She was reading a note but quickly put it away. Then I heard screaming and I ran out."

"Well she isn't in there anymore."

"Wait, that means she had to leave through the window because every one is standing here. There is no way she could have passed us." Alicia said.

"What if Brie is a killer?" John asked, but almost like he didn't want to believe it.

"No, my sister could never kill anyone." Nikki said.

"Are you sure about that?" Lana said.

"Listen, I know my sister more than anyone else. She wouldn't have the guts to kill anyone."

"Oh so now you are sticking up for her? Remember, you hate her. In fact, you wished that she had died in the womb. Remember that?" Lana said.

Nikki ran and tackled Lana. No one stopped Nikki. They knew Nikki was angry. Nikki knew when to stop. She eventually did.

"I think we need to ask Daniel if he has seen her." I said.

"I'll go do that." Roman said. He quickly came back and said, "Daniel isn't there either."

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