Chapter 7: Roman Reigns POV

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It was only 8 in the morning when we hear a high pitched scream. I jump out of bed, so does Daniel and we run to the living room. All the guys ran to the living room. It was Summer.

"What happened?"

"SPIDER!!!!" She screamed. We all laughed. Stephanie and Hunter ran out of their room too.

"How screamed?" Hunter asked.

Everyone points to Summer.

"What? It was a big spider!"

Stephanie rolled her eyes.

"Why are you up this early anyway?" Hunter asked Summer.

"I was just... um... out." Sumer hesitated.

"Well thanks to you Summer, today's activities will start right now. Go get everyone up." Stepahnie said.

All the guys including me groaned. Summer walked to the girls side of the house.

"This isn't camp you know." I said.

"Yes I know. But if treating you guy's like we are at camp will make you guy's trust one another, than so be it."

I couldn't tell but I'm sure some of the guys rolled their eyes.

Summer runs back out, "Eva is gone."

"What do you mean gone?"

"I went in my room first to get Violet and Eva up. Eva wasn't there. I asked Violet and she said she seen Eva walk out of the room in the middle of the night but she figured she was using the bathroom so she fell back asleep."

"Stephanie, go get all the girls together. Guys go get ready, we are going to find Eva."

I had this weird feeling that some thing happened to her. I hope not though. I hope it was just that. A feeling. Not reality. Daniel and I went to the room. All I did was put on a shirt. Daniel did too.

"What if Eva is dead?" Daniel asked.

"Don't say that. Don't ever say that."

"But everything that has happened. What if-"

"Shut up! Unless you want to go out the window, I suggest you shut up."

Daniel walked out the room. I punched the wall in frustration. Eva can't be dead. I loved her. I just never told her.

I walked into the living room where everyone was ready.

"Ok, now, you still have to be with your partners. If you find Eva bring her back here. I don't care what she is doing. So get with your partner and let's go." Hunter said.

We walked out. Stephanie split is up. Guys go one way, girls go another. Girls went toward the woods. Guys went the other way. Eva wouldn't be in the woods. She hates it there. But we still had to search. I hope we find her.

We had been searching for an hour. Still no sign of Eva where we were at. Maybe the girls have found her. Maybe Eva is safe.

We hear all the girls scream from where we were at. We all sprinted towards the woods. I tried following the sounds of their screams. But we found something better. Summer was running toward us.

"Summer what happened?"

"Eva...Eva...Eva..." was all she could say.

"Where is Eva?" Daniel asked.

Summer told us to follow her. We followed her into where the rest of the girls were. They surrounded something. I couldn't tell what it was but I knew. All the girls where crying. I didn't want to get any closer. But at the same time, I knew I had to. All of us knew we had too. We walked up and stood beside a girl who was crying. John went to Nikki. Daniel went to Brie. Bray went to Paige. Dean went to AJ. Seth went to Summer. I went to Emily. And so on and so on. I took a close look at her body. Her foot was caught in a bear trap. Wait, there are no bears. Why need a bear trap? She was stabbed three times. One in the face, one in the chest, one in the stomach. Who could kill someone like that?

"Can't tell us this was an accident, can you?" Dean asked through his teeth.

Stephanie and Hunter stayed quiet.

"We have to get off of this island." Nikki said through her tears. Nikki and Eva were best friends.

"There is no way to for another two weeks Nikki. There is nothing I can do." Stephanie said.

"First, names are on our doors. Then food is magically in them kitchen. Now Eva was murdered and you can't tell us there isn't something that you can do?!" John said angrily. He tried not to yell.

Everyone stayed quiet and just looked at Eva. A tear went down my face. Emily hung onto me. Right now, I needed that.

"We should go, we just need to figure everything out. Come on. Lets go back to the house." Hunter said.

We all started walking away. We all took final looks at Eva. Don't worry. I'll come back Eva. I promise.
Roman loved Eva? Will Roman get revenge on the killers? Is he one of the killers and just playing an act? Or will Roman fall victim to the killers? Tell me what you think

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