Chapter 19: Paige

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We all were back at the house. We were all freaking out. Even the ones who didn't want to show it. If they weren't freaking out for themselves, they would be freaking out for Brie. Brie was shaking. We all thought BB meant Brie Bella, since she was the only one that has those initials.

"We have to be missing something. The killer is obviously doing this because of Brie." John said.

"And how would you know?" I asked.

"Because of the initials. What else could BB stand for? Either they are targeting her, or she is the killer."

"She can't be the killer. She was with someone every time someone died." Nikki said.

"Then whoever it is, is targeting Brie."

"Then what do you suggest we so?" I asked.

"I say we search the entire island. In two groups. To see what we find. We lock the house doors, so no one can get in until Hunter comes back-"

"I don't have the house key. It was stolen." He said. He still had pain in his voice from finding Stephanie.

"Can anyone pick a lock." I asked.

Five people raised their hands. Dean, Seth, AJ, Randy, and Alicia.

"Okay. How about we split into our teams." John said.

"Why not just go in one big group? It may be safer." Nikki said.

"I kinda agree with her." Brie said.

"Yeah, all right now, if the killer is going after Brie, it may be safer." I said.

"Wait, I know where we need to look." Austin said.

"Where?" AJ asked him.

"On the way to the house, I took a wrong turn and came across a log cabin. It looked abandoned, but I seen keys and a drink full of ice."

"Why are you just now telling us this?" I asked him, kind of annoyed that he never mentioned it before.

"I forgot until now."

"Okay, well Austin will lead the way after we lock all the Windows and doors. Even bedroom doors. Come on everyone."

After we all shut and locked every entrance and exit in this house, Austin lead the way. It was the same way we went when we were going to find the boat. But right before we get to the other side, we took a turn.

Austin was right. There was a cabin in the woods. Wait, there is a movie called that. No, I have to focus. We searched around it before trying to go in. There wasn't anything unusual. We tried opening the door. Dean unlocked the door by picking the lock. Why did that not surprise me that he could really do that?

We walked in. It wasn't as small as what it seemed. We searched every inch. There wasn't anything at all. No keys. No drinks.

"Are you sure about this Austin?" Roman asked.

"If he didn't come across this place how would he know about this cabin and the keys?" I responded for Austin.

Austin mouthed "thank you." I mouthed "you're welcome."

We kept searching threw drawers, all the doors. Not even a pen, or even a piece of trash was found.

"This either means Austin made this up, or the killer is good at covering his tracks." Dean said.

"Most likely the last one." I said.

"You're probably right. Lets just go back to the house." Dean said. We all agreed.

We retraced our steps and went back to the house. One of the doors was wide opened.

"Didn't we lock all the doors?" I asked.

"Who was the last one out?" Hunter asked.

"I was. But I swear I locked it." John said.

My eyes opened wide, as we forgot some thing, or should I say someone.

"SUMMER!" Every one looked at me then realized what I meant. Everyone ran in and went to the room Summer was in. She wasn't in the bed where Roman had put her. She was on the floor. Covered in blood. Her throat was cut opened.

Randy and Dean searched the room. Nothing. The window was still locked. AJ, Austin, Seth, and Bray, went to check if any other room had been unlocked. When they came back, they said no other room was unlocked.

That means, they wanted to kill Summer. Probably because they failed the first time.

"Brie you may want to see this." Randy said.

Before Brie could get it, Hunter grabbed it. Read it silently. When Brie wouldn't stop bugging him about what is said he read it aloud.

"This letter is for Brie. I'm sure you noticed by now the people around you are dying. But don't worry. You can't make that change. We have killed enough people but we will kill more if you do not do as you are told. The next person who will die will be Erick and Luke. Why? Just because neither of us like them. All you have to do it go to the cabin before 9. We know you know where it is because Austin showed everyone where it was. I highly suggest you go alone. Unless you want more people to die."

"Wait, so there are two killers?" Lana asked.

"It looks that way. Erick and Luke, you must stay with a group of people, never leave anyone's side. They will be less likely to kill if you are with other people." Hunter said.

"But what do you do about Brie? She can't go there by herself." Daniel said.

"And she won't. Because she won't go at all. We will stay in this house. No one leaves. Am I understood."

"But the killer is also in this house. They killed Layla, Stephanie, and Summer in the house. How is that any safer?" Violet asked.

"Vi. Don't worry. If anyone tries to kill anyone when we are together, it will blow up in their face. We are all safe in this house." Seth said.

God, I hope so. I hope Seth is right.
So Summer is dead. They now know there are two killers. Who do you think they are?

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