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Pepper could honestly say she loved the Patrol Buggy. It was convenient, it was awesome to ride, and the fact she got her own personal seat was an added bonus. And the whole thing could really be put to good use sometimes. Like, chasing the Kraang, for example. But that still tended to be a bit of a challenge when the said Kraang were in a helicopter.

"Stay on 'em, Pepper! My Kraang app's trippin' out!" Donnie shouted. "It's picking up a signal from the power cell!"

"Again?" Leo said skeptically. "Last time that thing led us to a burrito in a microwave."

"Left!" Pepper took a sharp turn, swerving to drive into an alley. "Left again!" Donnie ordered. Pepper turned left out of the alley and back onto the road. "They're getting away! Right!" She made another sharp turn, making Donnie yelp as he slid in his seat. 

"Look out!" Raph shouted.

Pepper looked up to see the headlights of a car heading straight for them.

"Left, right! Left right!" Donnie screamed in fear as they got closer to the truck. 

"Split up!" Pepper ordered.

The second she spoke, she, Leo, and Raph all pulled their levers and thy separated. Pepper tightened her grip on her bike handles and twisted the throttle as she went into solo-drive, and she swerved right to avoid hitting the car. She centered herself back into the middle of the road, slowing down slightly. The boys, who had all avoided the car with ease, dove over to her and they hooked back up. From behind, she heard Mikey let out a happy 'woo-hoo' while he laughed gleefully. 

"Haha, yeah! This is more fun that a Shriners' parade!" he shouted.

Raph frowned. "What're you saying?"

"Right!" Donnie snapped.

Pepper immediately took a sharp left into an alley, only to be met with a brick wall. She gasped, swerving. The cart spun out of control. There was a small flash as she saw what she thought was Donnie's T-Phone fly out of his hand. The cart spun for a few seconds before Pepper regained control and brought it to a jerky halt. She shook her head to clear the dizziness.

"We lost 'em," she heard Donnie groan.

She looked up in time to see the helicopter fly over the building and out of sight. She sighed, whiskers drooping. That's just super! Now what? "Well, that was a total bust," she said irritably. 

The boys removed their helmets and stepped out of the cart. Donnie ran over to the end of the alley and knelt down to the ground where his phone lay, the screen black and cracked. The phone probably wasn't broken, but the tracker certainly was.

"No way of tracking them now," Donnie said miserably.

"What do we do now, then?" Leo asked.

"That's it," Pepper said firmly. "We're going to see Leatherhead." She'd been thinking of the idea for a good while, ever since they'd first lost the power cell. Since they no longer had a way of tracking the cell, their only option left was the mutant alligator. 

Donnie's head snapped up as he whipped around to stare at her. He had a look of mixed terror and shock on his face. "Uhh, Leatherhead...?"

Pepper nodded. "He's the one who took the power cell from the Kraang, he's the one who might know where to find it."

"He's also the one who likes to grab my face and shake me like a ragdoll!" Donnie whined angrily.

Mikey chuckled. "Heheh, good times!"

"Zip it!" Donnie snapped.

"C'mon, Donnie," Pepper said, folding her arms. "He's not so bad once you get to know him."

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