Eyes of the Chimera

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Pepper stepped out of the house with Casey and her brothers and sisters. Donnie and Samirah were in the barn testing April's powers and Mikey had joined them. Leo joined Raya, Nyx, and Astra to spar, while Lucian took a seat on the steps to watch. Raph and Casey headed out into the yard with Pepper.

"Come on, let's get to it." She drew her swords. "I'm feeling a lot better. Today, I'm taking you both down."

"Ha! In your dreams, Pepper," Raph retorted, drawing his sais.

Casey put a hand on his shoulder and leaned in to speak to him quietly. Pepper pricked her ears to hear. "Dude, the girl's been down for, like, ever. Cut her some slack, okay?" The two fist-bumped.

Pepper scowled. Really? Just like Lucian. How am I supposed to improve if they go easy on me instead of giving me a chance?

"Yeah, Pepper. I bet you can take us both down," Raph said. "Casey, anyway."

Pepper rolled her eyes. "Let's find out."

She charged Casey. He fought back, dodging and blocking her swings. She kept pace, forcing him back. He swung at her and she side-stepped before jumping up to land a kick to his chest and send him tumbling to the grass.

Raph came running at her and they exchanged blows before he used his sai to catch one of her swords, throwing it away. They leapt up, weapons clashing.

As she landed, Pepper felt the now-familiar spark of pain that ran through her leg. She yelped, dropping her sword. "No, no, not again."



Casey and Raph quickly ran over to help her up, helping her back over to the stairs.

"Just let me down here." They let go and she sat down beside her twin, letting out a defeated breath. "It's hopeless."

"Ah, come on, Pepper. You just need to stretch it out," Raph said.

"You could still spar with us," Casey suggested.

"No!" she snapped. She quickly took a deep breath to calm down. "I mean, I'd just hold you back. You guys train. I'll...watch. It's all I'm good for anyway." Her ears flattened as a bitter note entered her tone.

Casey and Raph exchanged looks, walking away reluctantly and going back to sparring. Lucian slung an arm around Pepper's shoulders. 

"Stupid leg," Pepper muttered. "Never gonna heal."

"Aw, come on, sister," Lucian said encouragingly. "You're really gonna give up that easily?"

She scoffed. "Easily? It's been weeks, Lucian. Every time I think I'm good to go, it sparks back up. I've tried, Lucian, I'm still trying, but I'm starting to think it's just a lost cause."

"Look, Pepper, you're one of the most stubborn people I know. You don't admit defeat unless it's because the only other choice is to put your family in danger. You overcome impossible odds in order to protect your loved ones, because that's the kind of person you are. I've seen it happen, and I know it can happen again. This is just another hurdle for you to jump, and we're all here to help you clear it. We all believe in you to get better. You just have to believe in yourself."

She gave him a small smile. "Thanks, brother." Her smile dropped as she noticed the feverish, glassy look in his eyes. "How you feeling?" 

After the whole Speed Demon incident, Lucian had started feeling sick, and despite him resting and taking medicine, it hadn't improved in the last few days. If anything, he'd gotten worse.

"Feels like..." he paused to think, "everything's on fire..."

Pepper reached out to place the back of her hand against his forehead. Through his fur, she could feel the heat, and his scent was tinged with that abnormally sweet undertone that suggested sickness.

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