The Invasion: Part 2

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Donnie, Mikey, Leo, April, Samirah, and Astra were watching the news while Raya was comforting Kirby, who curled in a ball and rocking back and forth on the couch.

"Invasion!" the reporter exclaimed. "That's right, folks. The aliens are back! Robots are emerging from portals! UFOs are everywhere! A giant alien brain is stomping through the east village!"

The broadcast cut off as Kraang sprayed mutagen at the camera.

"Yeah, I'd say we're basically doomed," Donnie stated.

"This all my fault," April sighed. "If I hadn't brought Irma to the lair--"

"You can't blame yourself, April," Donnie assured, placing a hand over her shoulder.

Mikey nodded, putting an arm over her shoulders. "Yeah, we can do that for you."

Donnie hit him in the head as Leo said, "You're not helping, Mikey."

"I'm gonna fix this," April said determinedly. "I'm gonna find Raph and Casey and your sisters."

"You can't go out there, April!" Kirby said. "You have to stay with me." He hid his face in his arms. "I'm scared."

Raya rubbed his shoulder comfortingly.

Mikey's T-Phone rang. He answered and smiled. "Whoa! Raph just sent me a text. 'On our way, being chased by Kraang Prime. Frowny face'." He shrugged. "Oh, guess they'll be a few minutes late."

Raya traded an anxious look with her sisters.


Nyx darted through the streets with Raph and Casey.

"You cannot run, Earthlings!" Kraang stated, shooting out more mutagen. "Your entire planet will transform!"

"Guys, what's going on?" Casey demanded.

"The Kraang perfected the mutagen!" Raph responded. "They want to turn Earth into Dimension X!"

"And they're gonna use the mutagen to terraform it!" Nyx added.

"Wicked!" Casey exclaimed.

"Wicked?!" Nyx retorted. "Are you crazy!?"

They skidded to a halt as Kraang started throwing cars. Raph tackled Nyx and Casey to the ground as a car barely missed them, though another headed right for them.

Nyx screwed her eyes shut and braced for impact.

After a moment, she realized nothing had happened, and cautiously looked up. The car had landed on top of two others, saving the three of them from getting crushed. Slowly, they emerged from under the car, only to be faced with Kraang's gun.

"Good-bye, lower life forms." A rocket slammed into Kraang with an explosion. "What!?"

"Earth Protection Force, move! Get into formation. Flanking maneuver. Go, go, go!"

The three of them watched as soldiers and tanks passed, swarming the huge Kraang.

"Team two, cover quad four! Hut, hut, hut!"

"Pathetic humans," Kraang spat.

"Fire!" The soldiers began shooting at Kraang.

"Now's our chance! Run!" Raph took off ahead.

"But it was just getting awesome," Casey whined.

Nyx smacked him in the head. "Move it, Jones!" She grabbed his shirt and tugged him after Raph.


Pepper ducked and rolled across the cold concrete, weaving her way through the barrage of arrows. She used her sword to slice the ones too close for comfort. A few nicked her several times, drawing a fair amount of blood. She refused to let it slow her. She wouldn't allow the lowly likes of Shredder to see her fall against the robots he dared call soldiers. If she fell now, they'd go after her family...

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