Earth's Last Stand

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"Oh, look at it," Samirah gasped, her ears perking up at the image of the Milky Way Galaxy appearing on the screen as the ship gradually approached.

"The Milky all of her ineffable glory," Donnie agreed.

"Yes!" Casey cheered. "We're heading back to Earth!"

"Master Splinter, New York City, pizza, Ice Cream Kitty!" Mikey cheered. "Whoo-hoo-hoo! Yeah!"

"I'll finally get to see Dad again." April sighed. "Feels like it's been a lifetime."

"Um, guys, this isn't a celebration just yet," Pepper cautioned. They still had to actually save the Earth before they could start celebrating about being back. She couldn't let herself get too excited about seeing Father or her tío just yet. If they failed...

Leo nodded. "We've got one last shot to stop the Triceratons, or we're not gonna have a home to go back to."

"Leonardo and Pepper are correct," Fugitoid chimed. "This is our final chance to capture the Black Hole Generator. We cannot travel back in time again. If we fail, Earth is doomed."

"We'll do whatever it takes to stop them, even if it means sacrificing our lives," Raph said. Chompy chirped from his shoulder. "Ah, don't worry, little guy. I'm not going anywhere."

"We're gonna go mad crazy on these alien freaks, right?" Casey asked.

"For Earth!"

"Heck yeah!"

"Say it, brother!"

"Let's do this!"

"Yeah, boy!"

" are we gonna take down the Black Hole Generator if it's invulnerable to everything?" Nyx asked.

"There is a way," Hunter responded, catching their attention. "But the entire Heart of Darkness must be destroyed. Not a single piece must remain."

"What's wrong?" April asked, turning to the Aussie. "I can sense you, Max, and the Professor want to tell us something."

Hunter hesitated, exchanging a look with vir sibling and Fugitoid, vir fingers tapping against vir leg. 

Fugitoid turned away from them. "My friends, I must confess something to you, something I couldn't reveal until you got to know me better as a"

"What are you talking about, Fugidude?" Casey asked.

"You see, it was not the Kraang who invented the Black Hole Generator," Fugitoid confessed. "It was...I who created it."


"It can't be!"

"No way!"

"That doesn't make sense!"

"Wait, guys..."

"Listen to his story..." Max and Hunter stood side-by-side with Fugitoid.

Fugitoid gave a small sigh. "I originally developed the Black Hole Generator as an energy source," he began. "But when Kraang Subprime offered me a huge price to buy it, I gave in. I was greedy. I didn't care what they wanted to use it for. It was all about money, all about financing my research. And then I realized what a terrible decision I had made. I mean, seriously, come on. They're the Kraang!"

Silence rang through the bridge. 

"...That is messed up, yo!" Casey growled, looking away angrily.

"Fugitoid, how could you?" Leo snapped, moving toward the robot. "You--you lied to us. Everything was a lie!"

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