Our Wifi- 2

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"I observe and remain silent"


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I hurried into the kitchen, grabbing ahold of Ace's lunch with the help of Gem a maid Betsy had so kindly given to us to help out, she was a middle aged young women who had previously worked at the Reid mansion before coming here.

"Thank you, Gem." I yelled as I rushed to the front door where Ace was struggling to do his tie as quickly as he could.
"Hold this." I said to him which he gladly did, whilst I quickly did his tie and pecked his lips.

"I love you my góissa." He mumbled against my lips before pulling away, my cheeks heated up as he pecked my forehead.
"I love you too." I whispered, waving my hand at him as I watched him get into his car and drive away, I sighed before turning around and making my way into my bedroom. I still had a few hours before I started work, so I decided to take a shower as I still reeked of the aroma of sex.

Making my way into the ensuing shower, I felt my body relax as the water hit me. Grabbing ahold of the shampoo I rubbed my hair, cleaning out any grease that had come on whilst we were busy. Before grabbing ahold of my conditioner and repeating the process, once I had completed my full shower I wrapped the towel around my hair and body before walking out.

I approached my bed, drying my body before throwing on my formal outfit for work. I had been working as an intern for just six month and I already felt like I knew everything like the back of my palms.

Once I was ready, I walked downstairs and grabbed the lunch Gem had very kindly packed. Before leaving to head to work, with Betsy gone in a vocation the company was handled by her personal assistant Rachel.

Rachel was a kind elderly women, who had worked for my mother in law for many years. She knew her tricks when it came to designing and finding the correct materials and I was glad it was her who had trained me.

Parking up in the car park, I exited the car and walked inside instantly greeted by the receptionist. I gave her a warm smile before I entered the elevator and pressed the button to the floor I worked at.

I pulled out my phone as it buzzed which notified me that Ace had sent me a text.

'I miss you, just came out an hour long conference meeting.' I smiled at his words, he had handled the company very well. It had always been what he wanted to do and he finally got it.
'Miss you too baby, I just entered work and going to finalise the colour for the fashion show which is being held in two weeks.' I pushed my phone back in my bag, as the elevator door opened and instantly I was met by Rachel.

"Finally you have arrived, we have two colours to choose from turquoise or royal blue." She said showing me the colour chart, I looked at both the colours before settling on turquoise it just held just colour which screamed beauty.


I moaned as I felt the warm water attack my body, after a long day at work it felt like heaven to be inside the shower. I jumped feeling hands wrap around my waist, realising it is Ace I calmed and leaned my head on his chest.

"How was work góissa?" He questioned, he was now gently massaging my breast making it hard to stay focus and answer him.
"Work, right. It was good, what about you?" I asked turning around so my hardened nipples were pressed on his chest.

"It was good, we got two big contracts today, we are throwing a party tomorrow evening and your coming." He said, I chuckled whilst pecking his lips. I was happy for him, rubbing my palms on his cheeks I looked into his eyes which were filled with so much love.

"I love you." I whispered, pecking his lips and then both his cheeks before ending it on his forehead.
"I love you too, wifey." He whispered back capturing my lips, I moaned into his mouth wrapping my arms around his neck whilst my fingers gently played with his hair.

I had a Greek God as my husband, he was hot top to bottom and I was glad he was all mine.

My full nipples glistened invitingly; i let out a sharp intake of breath as his thumbs brushed over them.

He lifted me up and i wrapped my legs around his hips. I leant forward and ran my tongue up his neck and turned my attention to his earlobes. As I delicately nibbled his fleshy lobes, he ran his fingers up my thighs. As his fingers approached my buttocks, he began to feel my own silky wetness through the shower water. He gently parted my lips and moved to caress my clitoris.

As he connected, I could hear my breathing quickening and my teeth caught his ear as he found just the right spot.

My breathing was getting heavier with each successive circle of Ace's fingers around my labia and his cock was likewise getting harder and harder. When there was nowhere else for his manhood to go, he switched from using his fingers to teasing me soaking opening with the tip of his rock-hard cock.

My body twitched at the prospect of what was coming, but he continued to tease until I could not take it no longer.

"Please." I whispered, A low moan escaping my parted lips. I loosened my grip around his neck and slipped gently down his shaft. There was no resistance. Even in the heat of the shower, I felt warm around him and started to push myself up and down his length. He turned around so that my back was against the shower glass. I shivered as my skin came into contact with the cold glass and tensed around his harness as i hugged him closer to me.

"I am yours." I whispered again, feeling him slowly enter me, I yelled out in pleasure feeling him begin to pound inside of me.

Fuck I love him.

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