Our Wifi- 17

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"You know it hurts me but you do it anyways"

This book is coming to an end, I have started working on the third and final book
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I rushed into the museum, ignoring the rush as i barged pass everyone. I had to find Callista, I looked around the enormous museum not knowing where to look for her. I ran around, looking everywhere I was not too late.

I had hated the look Crystal had given me, but only if she knew why I had to protect Callista she would have never stopped me, I sighed as I continued to look. The guilt inside me to rising, I could hear my own heart beat as I continued to run, my eyes darted around until it fell on the door which said 'private', the door was slightly agar.

Rushing towards it I pushed it open, before me stood Stephan his hands held an a knife which was pressed against a sobbing Callista.
"I was thinking you would never come, Ace." Stephan gritted out as I walked inside, I raised my hands at him.

"Lower the knife Stephan." I said out aloud, he scoffed and shook his head pressing the knife harder into Callie's neck.
"She knows too much, she needs to die." He yelled out, she let out a sob further pressing her back against the wall. Her eyes were frightened, she could see her death flash before her eyes.

I had promised to protect her and I was not going to fail her, she was the women who had pulled me out of my darkness. She was the friend who's arms had learnt me that I was not alone and that she would always be here for me.

"If you let her go, she will not say anything." I stated, in hopes that he would release her but he just laughed sending me a half hearted smile before he snapped his head back at her.
"If only she died then, I would not need to get my hands dirty." He spat out venomously, I frowned at him. The hatred clear in his eyes.

"Killing her will do you no good." I yelled back at him, stepping closer but he shook his head.
"I would not do that if I was you, another step and you will be seeing her dead body before you." He threatened making me freeze on the spot, I did not dare to take another wrong step. My plan was to leave here with Callista alive not dead.

"I am standing still, just don't do anything to her." I said and he smirked whilst looking between the two of us.
"If I did not know you had a fuckable wife at home, I would have thought you both were in love." I glared at him as he mentioned Crystal, the anger inside of me rose. I wanted to grab him and slam his head against the wall, but I could not act rationally at the moment.

He had Callie in his arms whilst a knife was pressed to her kneel.

"Her death will be on your hands Reid, I just wanted to finish you. I thought she died in that fucking car accident I had done, it was so perfect I had felt so good as my car collided with hers, I watched as her car rolled whilst she was still inside." My frown continued to deepen staring at him sickly, he was ill. He had a mind to finish me, and he believed he would be able to do that by killing someone close to me and he right.

I could not let him kill her.

"But she survived, I had even tried to kill her whilst she was in coma but the doctors appeared and she was saved. But now, who will save her." He laughed evilly, his eyes were dark in lust but not in a romantic way but in lust for blood, to kill someone.

"Killing her will get you nothing, she is innocent do not get her involved in your feud with me." I yelled at him, I felt my phone buzz but I ignored it. I did not have the time to answer who were was calling me when I was in a situation where my bestfriend was in front of a serial minded killer.

"Ohh, but that's where your wrong. You son of a bitch, I will gain pleasure seeing her bleed to death and watch you not be able to do anything." He said whilst smirking making me glare at him, it was the moment the door behind me barged open and several men dressed as police rushed in with guns in there arms.

I had called for them before arriving here, I knew I was not going to be able to do anything as I was weaponless and he obviously would be.

The smirk on his face was replaced by a frown as he looked around.

"You are outnumbered, Mr Kelly I would recommend you release Miss Moore right now." The cop yelled from behind no one daring to move, there guns held pointing at him.
"If you as much as try anything I will slit her neck." Stephan threatened, he pressed Callista against him the knife still on her neck.

"Let me leave." He said as he pushed Callie forward, she had tears running down her face, as he passed me I kicked him in the back on his knees making me drop to his knees and gave Callie enough time to rush behind me, the police hurried knocking the weapon from his hands.

"Stephan Kelly, you are under arrest. Anything you say will be used against you in the eyes of law." One of the cops yelled as they forced his arms behind him and cuffed his wrist together.
"You saved her but who will save your pretty little wife." He laughed out loud as one of the police dragged him out, my face had drained cold as if all my blood had left me as his words made me think.

Was she okay.

I pulled out my phone ending the recording and making the remaining officers hear, they thanked me for my cooperation and said they would use it as proof against him. I thanked them, as they left. I frowned seeing so many miss calls from my family, Jacob and Maisie and the guards.

Instantly calling mother I placed the phone to my ears,
"Ohh Ace, where are you? Crystal was attacked, she is severely injured and at the city hospital come quickly." I felt the life inside of my stop as I heard my mothers crying voice, the fear of losing her. The only women who meant the world to me.

I rushed out the door running hearing Callie call my name from behind following me, I had to get to Crystal.

My góissa.

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