Our Wifi- 10

138 15 2

"I am the Queen of Boss"




I sat with my legs crossed as I inhaled and exhaled, I was dressed in my bra and underwear whilst sitting in front of the television following the steps of the pregnant women who was doing yoga.

After reading several online and physical books I had realised what is good and bad for the baby, and yoga was apparently extremely safe and good whilst pregnancy.

"What are you doing?" I did not bother to turn around as Ace walked into the living room, he did not bother coming home yesterday night after he walked out on me. I had no idea where he had gone? But secretly inside I was glad he was okay.

"Yoga, it is good in pregnancy." I said whilst continuing to follow her steps, I stood up with my legs on the mat whilst I did squats, I repeated the same pose a few times before changing it.
I can feel his stare on my butt as I did my exercise, not once did I look at him. If he wanted to be with me, he had to accept our baby.

"I want to watch television." He said as he rounded the sofa until he was in front of me, I rolled my eyes and ignored him I did the side angle pose, bending my knees whilst stretching my body to the side my right hand on my right knee and my left hand was stretched in the position my body was going.

I counted to ten before changing my pose and repeating it whilst stretching on the other side.

"If your bored, there is some pregnancy magazines over there you can start reading them. Obviously, only if you want." I said looking at him for a moment and watching as his forest green eyes looked at me before looking away.

I heard him mutter something before walking away, I closed my eyes when I heard the bedroom door slam close.

Sitting up I switched off the television, before sitting on the sofa.


"You changed the Wi-Fi password to asshole." He yelled marching into the living room looking livid, he reaction was priceless I wanted to burst out laughing.
"Fits you perfectly don't you think" I stated, as I continued to walk up and down the living room, as I turned around I froze he was standing in front of me looking angry.

"This is my house as well and that is my Wi-Fi as well, maybe I should change the password to Bitch." He said with a smirk making me roll my eyes, I approached him with a smile on my face.
"If you want to change the Wi-Fi password to that, change it to hot, sexy, pregnant bitch." I replied back with a smirk, his eye brows arched. I walked around him continuing to walk, I was still half naked like I was earlier on it made me feel connected to the little full stop that was growing inside of me.

"Why are you walking around in your bra and underwear?" He asked from behind, I turned around with my eyebrows arched.
"Why is it turning you on? It is isn't it." I smirked looking down at the growing buddy of his, you can see the print of his dick on the denim shorts he wore.

He leaned closer but I rolled my eyes and walked away, I could hear him muttering colourful words which just made me smirk.

"Mr and Mrs Reid the food is ready." I turned around towards the new maid that stood, Gem had to leave for a few weeks and he had been transferred here from the Reid mansion to help out.
"Do you mind." Ace spoke aloud at the male maid, who had obviously been checking me out. Hearing the anger laced in Ace's words he quickly walked away, I began to walk pass Ace to approach the dining table but he grabbed my arms pulling me back until I was in front of him.

"Can you go out something on." He asked his tone was almost pleading, I knew how possessive he was even though I was another level of possessive but I knew how he hated other men looking at me.
"Fine." I said pulling my arms away from him, I marched my way upstairs and opened his cupboard and grabbed his shirt before throwing it on. I was not going to lie, but I was starving.

Walking downstairs, I walked pass the living room before entering the dining room. Ace had already settled down, settling down beside him he eyed what I wore and he nodded his head liking the fact that I was in his clothes.

I love him, but the fact that he couldn't accept what we both created hearted me. And I was not going to let him touch me, I was serious when I had said that I would leave and raise the baby on my own if he disowned his own child.

Once the food had been placed we grabbed our own food, and silently began to eat.
"My parents are coming over tomorrow, please just in front of them act as if you are happy for this baby." I said not looking at him as I ate my last bite, pushing my plate away I stood up walking away.

"I'll do it." He said, I nodded my head even though I knew he could not see me. I hated how we had to lie to my parents, I wished he would be there for me but I could not force him and I was not going to. If he wanted to be part of me and my baby's life I was more than happy. I just hoped it does not break us in the process.

I knew he needed time, to accept my pregnancy and I was going to give him time. I was going to wait till he makes up his mind if he wants us in his life or not.

Our Wi-Fi (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now