Our Wifi- 7

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"I never lose. I either win or learn"


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We walked hand in hand, into my parents mansion. Greeted by the people who were invited, I smiled at each one of them. I was dressed in a nude corset maxi dress which reached my let legs hiding my nude heels I had worn. Ace beside me went with his classic black tuxedo with a grey tie. It was my mothers birthday, father had decided to throw her a grande birthday party as he always did.

"You look incredibly stunning." Ace whispered into my ears as we walked further into the mansion, my parents house was not as big as the Reid mansion but it was enough to yell money.
"I can say the same thing for you, my loving husband." I whispered back, a smirk appeared on his lips as he released my hand and placed his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Crystal, Ace it's a pleasure to see you." My mother said as she approached us, pecking my cheeks and hugging Ace. It had been two days since I had met up with her and father at the diner, I still had not forgotten to what she had said but never once did I got and get myself a pregnancy test.

Not only had I become extremely busy with the upcoming fashion show but I was also nervous to see the results, my vomiting had increased over the few days and even a small smell that did not sit well with me made me want to gag and run to the toilet and puke my guts out.

"Happy birthday, Mother." I said, she smiled thanking me, before she held my hand with a glint in her eyes which told me that she too still remembered our previous conversation.
"Happy birthday Maisie." Ace said, to which she again smiled and thanked him. Giving the gift we had brought for my mother to a waiter who was going pass to leave it amongst the other gifts.

"It's great to see you both." It was Callie who had said it whilst approaching us, I instantly stiffened still not happy that they both were hiding something from me. I could sense Ace had felt my sudden stiffness around my sister because he looked at me with his eyebrows narrowed.

"Thanks for inviting us." Ace said, giving her a side hug before she approached me and gave me a hug. My thoughts went back to the day I had witnessed them sitting at the diner whilst I was with Cathy, it still did not sit well with them having a past.

"You look stunning, sister." Callie said, which made me give her a small smile which did not reach my eyes and it seems she had seen it because her smile slightly flattered.
"Thank you, so do you. So did mother find you a suitable husband, yet?" I asked her and my mother, this had seemed to make her stiffen whilst my mother smiled widely as if she had made an accomplishment.

"Indeed I have, in fact he was meant to come today but unfortunately he could not make it, I am sure he will be best for our Callie." She said, but my eyes remained on Callie and how her lips had turned into a thin line. Her eyes were on Ace making me uncomfortable, I turned my head to Ace too see him staring back at her as if they were having a secret communication without saying anything.

"Come on we should cut the cake." Father said approaching us, he gave us a hug before wrapping his arms around mother.
"Yes let's go." Mother said leading us all to where the cake was, my mood had instantly turned sour.


The whole ride home was silent, I stared out of the window at the passing cars whilst he continued to drive in his own thoughts. When we arrived home I unbuckled my seat belt and exited the car before walking inside.

I placed my purse on the table, grabbing myself a glass of water before gulping it down. My throat was incredibly dry, and my stomach was turning making me uncomfortable.

"It was totally unreasonable of your to bring up if Maisie had found her a suitable husband." Ace stated walking into the kitchen, I arched my eyebrows wondering why this disturbed him so much.
"If mother finds her a husband I do not see why that should affect you?" I questioned back, he sighed shaking his head as if what I had said was stupid and a dead joke.

"It is not your business to know if she is to marry someone." He said back his voice slightly rising which surprised me why he was getting pissed off, this was unlike him and it made me feel unsettling.

"She is my sister, what goes on in her life is my business Ace. I do not see what the issue is, we got married under a similar circumstances, and look at us now we're happy we'll I am." I shot back angrily, it was now his turn to arch his eyebrows at me.

"Well I am, what do you mean by that. You think I am not happy in this marriage, heck is that what you think?" He asked angrily, approaching me he placed both his hands on either side of the counter before leaning until his face was only an inch away.

"Are you happy Ace? Us arguing about petty things such as my sisters marriage, the women you had a past with and all of a sudden your upset because she has found someone who is suitable for her. Are you happy?" I questioned him back, he looked taken aback by what I had said he pulled away, his nostril flared in anger before he shook his head.

"I am not having this conversation with you." He said before turning around and walking away, I felt a silent tear slid down my cheek as I heard the front door slam shut.

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