Our Wifi- 20

214 17 1

"You filled Colours in my sky"


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Book 3 is now OUT

My body ached, I felt as if thousands of brick had been thrown at me. My head felt heavy as if someone was sitting on me, I could go on and on comparing how I was feeling. I struggled to open my eyes, forcing them open I felt blinded by the light before I was able to adjust to it.

I looked around the pale room, and the beeping coming from the monitor screen. I instantly knew where I was, I despised hospital. I had seen my sister being rushed drenched in blood to the hospital, it did not settle well with me ever since.

Remembering what happened yesterday, a groan escaped my lips as I forced myself to sit up. Instantly, I felt a hand on my back helping me. I turned and Ace was there. His hair looked messy, his eyes were puffy and held bags under them.

Had he been crying.

"R-Ruby." I said through my dried throat, he nodded his head.
"I know, góissa." He whispered before grabbing a glass of water and bringing it to my lips, I gulped the water feeling the crusty lips feel a bit of the moisture making me feel slightly better.

"Ace, how is our baby?" I asked placing my hand on my stomach, I rubbed it. Looking at Ace he turned his back to me busting himself with grabbing my medicine before handing it to me. I drank my medicine, swallowing it with the water before laying back down my head pressed against the pillow given to me by the hospital.

"I should call the doctors to check up on you." All I could do was stare at him, he walked out before returning with a doctor. The doctor did a routine check up, before stating I was fine but I needed to take the medication on regular.

I nodded my head at the doctor who gave me a small smile before tapping the shoulder of Ace and walking out.

"I should call yours and my parents." He said turning around to leave again.
"Ace." I called, he froze but did not turn to look at me, I felt my heart feel heavy as he slowly turned around with tears rolling down his cheeks.

I had never seen his this fragile, he had always remained strong even when he was at his worst.
"H-How is our baby?" I asked again, he approached me sitting down as he grabbed ahold of my palms and repeated kissed it.
"O-Our baby." He paused, making me turned my body ignoring the pain as I looked at him.

"Yes Ace, our baby?" I asked again, I could feel myself dreading the worse the longer Ace remained silent.
"Our baby was too young and could not handle the trauma and it did not make it." Hearing him say that made my whole world come crashing down, his words repeated into my hand as i clutched my abdominal in the hospital dress I was wearing.

"Ahh." I screamed as I cried out aloud, I had lost our baby. Our baby was gone, it did not get the chance to see the world. I did not get the chance to see it enter this world. My screams of pain did not go unheard, doctors came running in realising the pain was not from the injuries but from the news I had lost my child they left giving me and Ace privacy.

"I am so sorry, góissa." Ace cried along with me, I pulled my hands away from him as I continued to cry. I had lost the most important thing in my life, it was gone. I felt empty. I no longer had a life inside of me growing.
"I want my baby Ace, I want my baby." I continued to cry as he hugged me rubbing my back, I sobbed into his shirt as I could not bare the thought of my little baby gone.

"I should have never left you, never. I should have known this was Stephans plan, he wanted to hurt me and he used what I loved the most." Hearing his say those made me pull away as I looked at him confused, my tears still rolling down.
"W-What do you mean?" I asked, he looked guiltily at me making my heart sink to my stomach.

"He knew if he made it seem he was after Callie I would try to protect her, and I did just as he had planned and that allowed Ruby to harm you and that is the reason why we don't have our baby with us." He said, he cupped my cheeks as he looked at me but all I could do was freeze and stare at him in shock. He had promised to protect me, he promised to protect us and he had failed.

"Your discharge papers are ready." The doctors said as he handed it to Ace who wiped his tears away, he stood up.
"L-Let's get you home." He said but all I could do was stare at the chair he had been sitting on not long ago shocked by the information he had just told me.

"Crystal, my baby your awake." I snapped my head to my mum as she rushed inside, she wrapped her arms around me. I winced a little from the pain but hugged her back.
"Crystal has been dismissed?" Jacob asked to which Ace nodded his head.

"Yes, not long ago I was just going to take her to our house." He said reaching his arms to help me but I raised my hands freezing him on his spot.
"No, I will not be going anywhere with you. Mother take me to your house, please." I whispered, I did not look at Ace I did not want to see the hurt he felt. I knew it was not his fault the baby was gone but I hated the fact that he was busy running everywhere else but did not protect his wife and his own child.

I had lost my world, I had lost my baby.


Exactly three months had gone by since the day I had lost my baby, I had stayed at my mothers house and avoided meeting Ace. He would come regularly and my parents had assumed I was just feeling low after my baby. They were unaware of how Ace had failed to be a husband, father and failed to protect us.

I had just published my second book, ending it with how I felt at the moment. The lost of my baby, no longer being inside of me and the emptiness that surrounded me.

Not every book has to end in a happy note, but that did not mean another book does not need to happen. I did not know if my next book will hold me happiness in the end or if I would crumble and break. But life has its choice.

"Góissa." I was frozen near my car, my hands wrapped around the handle as I heard his voice from behind. I turned to look at him, he still looked ravishingly hot.
"Ace I thought I told you we were over." I stated through my clenched teeth, I was not ready to meet him yet. I was not ready to accept my baby was gone from me. Taken away and not by choice.

"Don't say that, góissa. I will wait for you till the end of my breath, I'm too selfish to let you go." He whispered, her arms wrap around me pushing me into him as he inhaled my scent and I did the same whilst closing my eyes and just be in his arms.

"It's time to let go of us, sometimes love is just not enough." I whispered pulling away as I got inside my car and began to drive, ignoring the call of Ace.

Book 3 is now out!!!!

Whole book word count: 23,388

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