Our Wifi- 13

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"It hurts when your favourite person finds a new favourite person"


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I smiled widely as I watched the fashion show begin, I was sitting beside Betsy who was just as excited as me.
"I know this fashion show will be success." I smiled appreciatingly at her, it calmed my nerves. I had been looking forward to this day for weeks and was glad to know that the day has finally come, each dress the models wore I had designed.

We had partnered with an Nigerian fashion company, so the theme had been traditional clothes from there country, I had decided to add a little of my touch and a little bit of the twenty first century touch.

I turned my head back, looking at the entrance door awaiting for Ace. I had left an invite on his study desk, hoping he would see it and arrive. the fashion show was about to start and he had yet to arrive, I feared he had not seen the invite.

"He will come, don't worry." Betsy said making me nod my head, I had kept him a seat beside me on the front row. The camera's had began to click each model as they walked down the run way.
"Sorry if I am late." I smiled hearing Ace's voice, I turned my head but my smile flattered as I saw who was beside him. Callista, she smiled at Betsy who greeted her with a hug and a kiss to the cheek whilst they settled down beside me.

"What a pleasant surprise, I had not known you were coming?" Betsy asked the question which had been lingering in the back of my head, Callie smiled and nodded her head.
"I had met up with her, I decided why not bring her along." Ace replied instead his eyes moved to mine seeing the frown on my lips but decided to say anything regarding it.

"I could not miss my sisters first fashion show, by the way crissy the outfits look amazing." I smiled at her appreciatingly, I had taken my time and effort to design them and was glad to hear a positive feedback.
"Thank you." I said to which she nodded her head, we silently watched the fashion show. Ace had met up with her again, this did not settle well with me. For a moment I thought if it could be Callie who had sent me that text but shook that thought away, Callie would never do this to me.

"Thank you everyone for attending todays fashion show, I would like you to welcome the designer herself Mrs Reid and her husband." I smiled and stood up waiting for Ace to do the same, when he did Callie followed along making me frown but I quickly covered it up as the camera's were on us. I replaced my frown with a smile as I walked up the stage and stood beside the presenter Nicole Black.


"Those dresses were amazing, I will remember to call you the next time I go to a party." I thanked the women who appreciated my work before she walked away, the fashion show had been a success and I was really happy with the turn out.

I had received may positive feedback and that made me feel happy.

"I must say I never thought Callista's sister would have such a talent, your hands are magic." I smiled at the unknown man, he grabbed ahold on my hand and pecked my knuckles before releasing it.
"Thank you, it's no magic hands. This would have not been possible without the team involved, including all our hard works." I said to which he smiled whilst nodding his head.

"You like to give everyone the credit for you hard work, working with your sisters in law is a dream come true especially if it is the Reid family." I narrowed my eyebrows at him, a frown replaced the smile on my face.
"I am sorry, you have misunderstood, Callista is not part of the Reid family. Let me introduce myself Crystal Reid, wife of Ace Reid." I said, my words seemed to have surprised him but he quickly covered it up with a small smile.

"I must apologies, your sister and husband mentioned to me they are a married couple, it must be a prank they played on me." My frown seemed to only deepen at the information he had told me, Ace had told this man that he was married to Callie.

"I'm sorry, I have forgotten to introduce myself I am Stephen Kelly, I own the Kelly empire also the man your parents have thought to be suitable for your sister before she informed me of her secret runaway marriage, which is fake as you have notified me." I nodded my head but remained silence he bid his farewell as he walked away, the room sudden felt claustrophobia, I felt myself feeling as if I am trapped with no air.

I turned around ready to leave for some air, as I walked pass Ace who called out to me but I ignored him and continued to walk out whilst my cheeks were now covered in tears.

"Hey, wait up. The fashion show was amazing, look góissa I know your angry at me but can we put it aside." Hearing his voice made me freeze, I was outside and near the car. I turned around making the smile on his face fade, he looked concerned as he looked me up and down as if inspecting for any injuries.

"How could you?" I asked, his eyes shot up to look at me with narrowed eyebrows.
"What do you mean? If this is about bringing Callie to the fashion show I am sorry, I did not know it would make your cry. She genuinely just wanted to see you." He apologies but I just scoffed, he was acting as if he did not know. Well he had hid his deed well, but it shattered me in the process.

"I had let you go Ace, I had told you we could get a divorce but you choose me." I paused whilst hiccuping, he stepped closer but I raised my hands to stop him.
"Why are we bringing up the past Crystal. What has made you upset?" He asked as I continued to cry not being able to stop myself.

"If you love her why did you marry me? Why did you claim you loved me? I would have been gone from your life, but I stayed thinking you loved me. How stupid." I cried whilst shaking my head, this time Ace ignored my hand and approached me he grabbed ahold of my arms as I looked at him.

"What bazaar stuff are you saying of course I love you, if this is about our argument regarding the unexpected pregnancy then Callie talked some sense into me and I am ready to-"I pushed him away before I could stop my self and my hands went flying slapping him across the face, he seemed froze his face was to the side as if processing he had just been slapped.

"Callie? It's always about Callista, it's always been just about her. I was stupid to think you could ever love me, now your lying and telling everyone your married to each other." I screamed out loud capturing a few attention from the people who were walking pass us.
"What bullshit are you talking about- wait did you talk to Stephen Kelly?" He asked as his eyes widened in surprise, I glared at him my emotions all over the place but my heart felt as if it had sunk to my stomach.

"I did, you both told him you loved each other and you were married. If you wanted to marry her why did you marry me? If you love her then why am I your wife? You know what I let you go Ace Reid, I free you. You can be with my sister if you want, but stay away from me and my child." I yelled before turning around and opening the back door to the black Mercedes' and instructing the driver to take me hope, I watched as Ace stood frozen as if surprised by what I had just said.

I sobbed as I leaned against the car. I felt broken once again, I felt shattered once again, and it was by Ace again.

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